A Writer’s Reflection of Holy Week

A Writer's Reflection of Holy Week

I love writing.  It is a release for me.  It allows my creative juices to flow.  You may have noticed I haven’t written in about a month.  During that month our computer was giving us fits and we were trying to nurse it along.  Finally, it died.  I don’t like shopping for things like computers.  I told Kurt to just go by himself and pick one out for me to use.  He kept checking in with me because I would be the one using it, not him.  Eventually I convinced him that the best gift he could give me was to go and buy it for me.  I promised not to complain about it.

One night, he came home with the computer I am typing on right now.  I love it.  We named it Enoch, because Enoch never died and we are hoping this computer will live up to its name.

As I was saying, I love to write.  But writing about Holy Week is a bit intimidating.  I have sat on my couch for a few days now going back and forth about what to write.  I have read through all the gospels trying to pinpoint a few things to highlight between the time Jesus rode into Jerusalem and died on the cross.

I don’t necessarily have one scripture to quote today.  Instead I want to share with you my feelings as I read through this week in our Lord’s life.

On one hand I’m taken aback at how the Pharisees and Sadducees were so intentional on destroying Jesus and on the other it doesn’t surprise me at all.  Over and over we read about how they had questions for Him or tried to trick Him into saying something that would land Him before the Roman governor.  They were sneaky.  Yet, in His infinite wisdom He stops them at every turn.

Once He refuses to answer their question.  Another time He sees through their duplicitous ways and shuts them up with His answer.  All the while He is teaching in the temple.

He notices a widow giving her last pennies to the temple.

He warns against false teachers.

He predicts the persecution of His followers.

He encourages them with His second return.

What does He say to you and me?  I think it would be the same today as it was back 2,000 years ago.

Today there are many who want to destroy the name of Christ.  They are intentional in their assault on the church.  They seek to put Christians in prison in countries like China, Iran, or Syria.

But fear not, He sees you much like He saw the widow.  He sees the stay-at-home mom who traded her income and business suit for mud pies and sweats.  He sees the pastor’s wife who will not see her husband over Easter weekend.  He sees the student who trades her savings for a car for a mission trip to Africa.  He sees the sacrifices you make because you love Him.

He warns us to watch out for false teachers.

He predicts the Christian life will be met with persecution.

And above all this, He shouts He is coming again.  He is coming!  He is coming!  Get ready, He is coming back for us!

One thought on “A Writer’s Reflection of Holy Week

  1. Genevieve


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