Am I Really Accepted by God?

It’s Friday and it’s another post in our series How to Overcome Lies from the Enemy.  So far we have asked Is God Really Love? and Are You Really Forgiven?  If you missed them, click on the titles and read each post.  If you have about 45 minutes log into Facebook and watch the Live videos from January 6, 13, and 20.

Today we will take a look at a new question, Am I Really Accepted by God?  This question gets posed to us as the lie, “You’re not good enough.”  Have you ever heard that one?  For me it’s not a question of have I heard it, but how many days go by that I don’t hear it?

Take a moment and think about the first time you heard that lie.  I remember being in the first grade and missing every single recess because I was daydreaming.  The whole class would go out to recess. I would stay in the classroom with the lights turned off waiting for everyone to come back.  After a few weeks, either I told my mom, or she asked a question about recess, I don’t remember.  But what I do remember is shortly after we talked I changed schools.

How grateful I am that my parents did the brave thing and moved me to a different school!  But the message was already etched in my psyche.  I was not “good enough.”  And over the years the lie grew louder and louder.  Not good enough turned into never good enough.  So, if I’m not good enough then why even try?  Why take a risk?  Why put myself out there?

Any of this resound with you?  If so, God’s Word is the cure, the truth, the salve to our wound.  God’s Word heals!  God’s Word brings comfort!  God’s Word declares freedom!

During our series we have learned four declarations so far.  I am a child of God.  I am inseparable from God’s love.  I am not condemned.  I am forgiven.  Today we will add two more.

I am God’s image bearer.  “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”  Genesis 1:27 NIV  What sets us apart from the rest of creation?  We are created in the image of God.  In being created in His image, there is no one better than another.  Galatians 3:28 tells us, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  Don’t believe the lie that you are not good enough.  God doesn’t see one better than the other because we bear His image.

I am the apple of God’s eye.  David writes in Psalm 17:8, “Keep me as the apple of your eye.”  When I read that I smile.  I can’t help it.  Even now as I’m typing this I’m still smiling.  God says we are the apple of His eye.  If you are a parent you can relate to this.  Your kids are the apple of your eye.  The Lord delights in you.  You are His child and He loves you.

Join me tonight to discuss today’s devotional on Facebook Live at 8PM MT.  I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight!

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