Are You a Dreamer?


I wrote this post in March of 2016.  It’s been on my mind, so I thought I’d tweak it a little and share it with you again.

I am a dreamer.  I’ve always been a dreamer.  As a first grader, I missed many a recess because I was daydreaming instead of doing my work.

One of my favorite books to give graduates is The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson.  If you haven’t read it, I would highly recommend it.  I am currently reading If:  Trading Your If Only Regrets for God’s What If Possibilities by Mark Batterson.  I bought it for myself on Black Friday and had my family wrap it and put it under the Christmas tree.  Last year, I meditated on Romans 8 nearly every day.  I didn’t realize If was on Romans 8 when I bought it.  You can imagine my delight as I cracked it open Christmas morning.  I was so excited to see what God would do in my life through reading it.  You will be hearing more about it in the future as I will probably do another book study like I did for Mark Batterson’s book, Praying Circles around Your Children.  Click here to read that series.

As I was reading If the other morning, I was reminded of a truth that I will share with you today.  God gives us dreams.  He tells us in Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (NIV)  I believe He places those desires in us to bring about His will.  I remember being a junior in high school and I couldn’t decide what to study in college.  What did I want to be when I grew up?  I was debating between studying elementary education and journalism.  Wouldn’t you know it, after all these years, that’s exactly what I’m doing, teaching 4th grade and writing!  I believe God gifts us with talents that fit perfectly into His plan for us.  For me, there is nothing better than to be teaching God’s Word to my students or sharing His Word with you.  I am fulfilled when I’m doing what He has gifted me to do.

One day last week, I was sharing this with Sara.  She says she doesn’t know what she wants to be when she grows up.  I told her that we will start praying about what God’s plan is for her life.  I explained that God created her with gifts and talents that will match up perfectly with her passions.  We explored different things she enjoys doing.  I asked her, “What is it that brings you joy?”  She smiled and gave her answer.  We talked about how next year in high school she can take all kinds of electives to explore other gifts and talents she doesn’t even know God has given her.  Today, she is a senior and ready to graduate in two weeks!

How about you?  What are you passionate about?  What brings you joy?  Have you asked God what He created you to do?  Ephesians 2:10 tells us that He has prepared good things for us to do.  What are they?

When Kate ran cross-country, I cried at every single race.  I would cry at the start of the race as she would bolt out in front of the pack.  I would cry when I could see her in the distance mid-race.  I would cry when she would come running in at the end and cross the finish line.  My heart would swell with pride and I would want to shout, “That’s my daughter!”  Now, I can’t take one bit of credit for her running ability.  We don’t share the same genes, yet, I was so proud of her.

Now imagine with me for a moment what it’s like for God to whisper a dream into us as we are growing in our mother’s womb.  As the cells begin to split He writes on our DNA strands our gifts and talents.  He watches us grow and He places things or experiences or circumstances to sharpen those gifts in our path.  And when we finally walk in them, does He cry?  Does His heart swell?  Does He want to shout, “That’s my daughter!”  I wonder.

Let me encourage you today to do what I did one morning last week.  Grab a piece of paper or a journal.  Sit before the Lord in the quiet of the morning or the stillness of night.  Ask the Lord what He dreams for you.  Wait.  Listen.  Begin to write what comes to mind.  What are some dreams you have?  What dreams has God been whispering in your ear?  Write them down.  Pray over them.  And dream.  Dream about what He has placed in your heart.  As you reflect back over your life, do you see a pattern of dreams as a child or youth to a reality you are living today?  I do.  What I have found is that God’s dreams for us are bigger than anything we can imagine!

You may be wondering what it is about this post that has me sharing it with you today.  Well, I’m wondering if during this time of COVOD-19 Shelter at Home, you have been dreaming?  For so many, this has been a time to slow down giving more time for reflection.  Is there something way in the back of your mind?  Maybe it’s that novel you started in college…or that dream of opening a cafe…how about that dream of running in the Boston Marathon?

Is there something that makes your heart skip a beat?

Instead of shoving it back down, why not take it to the Lord?

I give the advice earlier in this post to take a piece of paper or journal and to write down your dreams.  I want to urge you do just that.  Go to a place where you can get alone with God, a place where you really get in touch with Him.  For me, it’s the mountains.

I have been wanting to get away to the mountains, to walk among the pine trees, to take in the majestic beauty of His creation and be still.  Don’t be surprised if one of these Saturday’s I’m not at home but instead on a rock at a lake in northern Arizona.  I have a secret spot that I go to when I get away with Him.  There is a rock that has my name on it.   I sit on it overlooking the lake and I wait on the Lord to speak.

Friends, take my advice.  Dream with the dream giver.  It’s a perfect time to dream with Him.

*Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom, my latest book, is available on Amazon. Click here to purchase your copy and a copy for a friend.

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