Are you ready to look at circle number 1? Let’s jump right in!
“Part of your role as a prophet-historian is to know your children and know Scripture so you can train them in the way they should go.” (p. 45) What a great point! We must know the Bible so that we can pray God’s Word over our children. Being in God’s Word daily will give us His wisdom. With the wisdom God gives us, we can better parent. Simply put: read your Bible daily.
“Pray that they won’t just survive; pray that they will thrive.” (p. 45) How often do we sell our kids short because we do pray they “just survive?” Let’s pray God’s favor over our children so “they will thrive.”
“So don’t just pray that your teenager doesn’t get pregnant; pray that she gets pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Don’t just pray defensively that your child won’t do anything wrong; pray that they’ll do something right.” (p. 52) We want our kids to be totally sold out to God. If I may take this one step further, I don’t just want my kids to do something right, I want them to do the good things God has planned for them. (Ephesians 2:10)
“Prayer is the first step. And that one step can turn into a giant leap.” (p. 54) Let’s take that first step and watch what God does.
I will be back on Monday with the next chapter. See you then!