How To Declutter a Space


Yesterday I wrote the post 1 Week Whole House Organizing Challenge.  I got the following comment from a friend, “I feel the same way. Summer is the only time I have to deep clean/organize. Thank you for sharing this. I spent 4 days organizing my closet and it’s still not done. Do you have any posts on how to de-clutter/decide what to keep? It’s totally overwhelming me.”

I thought instead of just responding in the comments line, I would write about it today.  Maybe you have the same question.

I did leave a quick reply and directed her to read two previous posts, Prepare Your Home for the Holidays Day 7: Master Closet and Clothes Management 101.

You should know that I live in a small house which lends itself to a quicker clean up and faster organizing.  And I have two amazing teenage girls that are willing to help.  In fact, earlier today, Sara was trying to figure out a time to meet with a friend and I told her that next week is blocked off just for cleaning and organizing.  Most teens wouldn’t have responded the way she did.  “Okay, mom, how about the next week?”

Another thing you should know is that I am not a pack rat, that makes things a whole lot easier.  I’m purging regularly.

I like to say here at Living Bellissima it’s about what works for you.  Not for me.  Not for your sister.  Or even your best friend.  The best system is the system that works for you.  Here are my simple steps that I follow.  May they serve as inspiration to you.

Simple Steps

  • Gather supplies.  A card table, a large trash bag, a donation box, and a “belongs in a different place” box
  • Clear out the space.  For example, if you are organizing a closet, empty it out.  This is where the card table comes in handy.  If you’re organizing your master closet, pile everything on your bed.
  • Clean the space.  Wipe down shelves and vacuum or mop the floor.
  • Evaluate the space.  Be intentional about where you want to place things.  If it’s something you rarely use, give it a home on the top shelf.  Items that are used daily should be easy to access.
  • Touch everything.  I say this because I want you to pick up each and every item and ask yourself a few questions.  Do I like it?  Do I use it?  When is the last time I used it or wore it?  Does it pass the one year test?  Meaning, have you used it or worn it in the last year?
  • Give it a home.  Strategically place it back in the space or in the trash pile or in the donate bin or maybe it belongs in another space, if so place it in the “belongs in a different place” bin.
  • Clean up your supplies.  Put the card table away.  Take out the trash.  Put the donate bin in your car to take it to Goodwill or some other charity.  Put away items in your “belongs in a different place bin.”  Even if you are going to do more organizing tomorrow.  Clean up.  What if something comes up and you don’t get right back to organizing?  Now you have a card table sitting in the corner of your bathroom covered with bins and trash.  Yuck!
  • Step back and smile.  You did it!  I’m guessing you will feel like a million bucks.  Call a friend, take a picture, and celebrate!

4 thoughts on “How To Declutter a Space

  1. Nikki Reeves

    Great ideas. Thank you so much. I appreciate the practical ideas as well as dealing with the emotional clutter (Do I like it? Do I use it?) I think this is the hardest for me. I really appreciate you taking the time to offer your expertise!!

    • Louise Nichols

      You’re welcome! I hope it helps. The emotional clutter is hard. Sometimes I ask myself, Why do I still have this? Happy organizing.

  2. April

    Thought of you today as I took almost an hour to declutter a bookshelf and desk. I did touch each book (and donated about 1/4th of them)! It may have taken me a little longer then needed…they are books. LOVE the touch everything advise! Now to apply it!

    • Louise Nichols

      Doesn’t it feel so good to declutter!

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