Last Place Is Not For Me – Day 4

Last Place Is Not For Me

Day 4:  Give Yourself a Pedi

Today’s challenge maybe should have been called spoil yourself.  I love to have pretty toenails.  When my toenails are painted, I smile when I look down at them.  What is it for you?  What little thing can you do to spoil yourself that will last for weeks and make you smile?  If you are coming up blank, then Give Yourself a Pedi.

I really think we need to do those silly things to ourselves.  In fact, I think God would agree.  If you are a parent, you know what it means to do something sweet for your kids.  Take Christmas morning, for example.

When Kate was 7 or 8 we bought her a bike for Christmas.  Kurt was more excited about it than I was.  He placed the bike in front of the tree.  Stood back and smiled.  He then disappeared into the bedroom and came out with a huge red bow.  He tied it ever so lovingly on the handlebars and stood back to admire it.  In the glow of the tree lights, I got a glimpse of how our Father takes pleasure in giving us gifts.

I wonder what He thinks when He sees me smile at my toes.  I know it’s silly, but important.  It’s important to do simple things for ourselves.  It is important for our kids to see it modeled.  And in fact, they can join in.

The second day we had Sara, there in our hotel room, I painted Sara’s toenails.  She felt amazing.  The next day our guide came to our hotel room.  Sara grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the bed.  Sara ripped off her shoes and socks and showed our guide her toenails.  I cried.  Such a simple thing meant the whole world to her at that moment.

When Kate was small, we would do our pedicures together.  Sitting on the edge of the tub, soaking our feet we would have great conversations.  Honestly, these are some of my sweetest memories as her mom.

I tell you these stories to say, that as a parent, God wants us to care for ourselves.

Follow my simple steps to Give Yourself a Pedi today.

Simple Steps:

Remove polish.

Fill your bathtub with hot bubble filled water. I am not a fan of taking bubble baths, but my feet love a bubble bath.

Turn on your favorite relaxing music.

Soak your feet until the water starts to cool.

Clip and file your toenails and take care of your cuticles.

Attack any calluses with a pumice stone or foot file.

Pat dry your feet.

Apply lotion and give yourself a foot massage.

Rub your nail and cuticles with olive oil. Wipe away any excess.

 Apply polish. I usually apply a clear coat, color coat twice, and another clear coat.


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