Last Place Is Not For Me – Day 6

Last Place Is Not For Me

Day 6:  Go to Lunch with Friends

Having girlfriends is the theme of today’s post.  I love my girlfriends.  Don’t you?  If you haven’t read my post Get a Bellissima Buddy, go check it out.  It’s a sweet post about having one or two girlfriends who have your back.

Today is a bit different.  Today I am suggesting you relax and have some fun.  And the best way to do that is over lunch.  Well, that’s just my opinion.  I love to have lunch with a friend.  I have my lunch buddies; the ladies that meet me for lunch every month or so.  Do you have friends, real friends?

When God created women, He created us with a need to connect with other women.  Seek friendships that lift you up and make you feel better about yourself.  Find women who love Jesus as much as you do.  When you find them, spoil them with your love.

This last year I turned forty.  My dear friend came to me and told me that the Lord had told her to throw me a birthday party.  I was overwhelmed with how much God loved me and how much she loved me.  She wanted to have a lunch at her house.  I could invite eight people giving us a total of ten.  I knew who the eight would be, my mom, my sister, and six other women that I love.

My birthday is in December.  I figured with Christmas parties and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, not everyone would be there.  As I drove across town, I told myself not to be disappointed if only my mom and sister could attend.  It would still be nice.

I walked into a beautifully decorated birthday bash.  There were pictures of me everywhere.  Beautiful flowers.  But most importantly, nine smiling faces.  Everyone came!  We took a group picture.  Today it hangs on my refrigerator.  I look at it when I’m feeling sad and my spirit is immediately lifted.

After we found our place at the dining room table, everyone was invited to share a Bible verse with me.  I wept.  I truly wept as these women shared God’s Word and sweet memories with me.  I will never forget that wonderful day.  I was blessed beyond measure.  What a pure joy it was to hear from my closest friends.  I went home walking on clouds.

Taking care of yourself does not just include eating right and exercise, it also includes one of my favorite simple steps Go to Lunch with Friends.

Simple Step:

Go to Lunch with Friends.  Or something like it.  Find a way to connect with other women.  Speak into their lives.  Laugh together. Cry together.  Be there for each other.


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