Last Place Is Not For Me – Day 7


Last Place Is Not For Me

Day 7:  Rest

Well, here we are at the end of the 7 Day Challenge Last Place Is Not For Me.  Let’s look back for a moment.

Day 1:  I Love Chocolate Make a decision to eat healthy.

Day 2:  I Hate to Sweat Make exercise a part of your daily routine.

Day 3:  Get a Check-up Make sure you are up to date on your gynecological and mammogram visits.

Day 4:  Give Yourself a Pedi Make time to spoil yourself.

Day 5:  Date Your Husband Make a date with your husband.

Day 6:  Go to Lunch with Friends Make it a point to get together with your girlfriends.

Wow!  That’s quite the list.  Which leads to the most important step:  Rest.  This is hard for me.  I like to go, go, go.  I don’t like to sit still.  I don’t like to stop and rest.  For example, I can’t just sit and watch a movie; I have to be doing something with my hands.  It drives my family crazy.

However, it is really this step, Rest, which has led me to this point in my life.  This step is the reason for me writing this blog.  The Lord had been lying writing a blog on my heart for quite some time.  In fact, years ago, my sister suggested I start a blog on how to save money.  I’m pretty frugal.  But it just didn’t feel right.

Nearly two years ago, I got the flu.  I did what most would do; I went to bed and waited for it to run its course.  After ten days, I was up and ready to get back to work.  However, I didn’t feel right.  After many doctor visits, tests, and more doctor visits, I was diagnosed with arthritis.  Today, I have days where walking is extremely difficult and some days that are manageable.

All along the way, the Lord has been whispering, Rest.  It’s what I need to do.  I spent quite a bit of time in bed not able to do anything else.  I have learned to sit still and listen.  I am learning how to Rest.  What did God do on the seventh day of creation?  He rested.  If the God of the universe rested why do we think we don’t have to?  As you can see, part of my resting was learning to listen to God.  He stirred up in me the desire to share with you what I have learned and still am learning.  And here we are.  Those days in bed were spent resting, worshiping the Lord, and listening.  That’s how I got here.  He said start a blog, so here it is.  His desire for us is Living Bellissima.

The title of this series was chosen specifically to challenge you to not come in last place.  We will not be of service to our families if we are down, in bed, unable to walk to the bathroom without help, and unable to care for our families.  I have been there.  I have been broken.  And I am here to tell you, learn to rest.  Learn to take time to listen to the Lord.  Learn to relax.  Learn to let the laundry go.  There is nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.  When you are tired, go to bed.  I write this to myself as much as to you.

Jesus calls to you, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 12:28-30 NIV

Simple Steps

Memorize Matthew 12:28-30. Meditate on these verses.  Ask the Lord to show you how you can rest.

Rest. Obey His command.  In doing this, you are showing your children and those around you how to rest.  What a blessing rest is!

Do you struggle with resting?  Is rest part of your routine?  Please share with us in the comments below.

One thought on “Last Place Is Not For Me – Day 7

  1. Cindy Bertola

    That is why He gave us Sundays. He commands rest and renewal in Him

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