Prepare Your Home for the Holidays Day 17: Spare Bathroom

Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Spare Bathroom

We only have two bathrooms in our house. If you have more than two bathrooms you will need more days to complete Prepare Your Home for the Holidays.  Tomorrow is the last day of our challenge.  Tomorrow we celebrate.  I am really looking forward to that!  If you want a sneak peek of how we will celebrate check out Last Place Is Not For Me:  Day 4.

Today I had the girls do the organizing. As they revealed their work to me, I stood back like one proud mama.

They followed my simple steps to success.

Simple Steps:

Start with the cabinets under the sink. Take everything out and decide if you still need to keep it.  Does it have an expiration date?  If so, is it still good?  Put like things together:  soaps with soaps, lotions with lotions.  The girls have baskets to help keep things organized.  They put extra toothbrushes and extra toothpaste in one basket.  Their blow dryer sits in one big basket.  In another basket they keep their extra soap and shampoo.

Go through your medicine cabinet. They only have two shelves to keep things simple.  One shelf for dental hygiene and deodorant and the other for their hair brushes.

Take a look at your counter. What is on it?  Do you use everything?  Have a goal to keep only what you use daily on the counter.  Keep it clean! Here the girls only have soap, pumpkin spice soap, for the months of October and November.

Organize any shelves you have. Instead of a regular towel bar, we have a shelf my dad made.  Under the shelf he put four hooks to hang their bath towels and bath robes on.  The top of the shelf is where they keep their lotion.

Come back tomorrow as we celebrate!





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