When Life Looks Different

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

Did that title grab your attention? I find myself saying that a lot lately. My life looks a whole lot different than what I thought it would look like today. If you had told me a few Christmas ago where I would be this Christmas, I don’t think I would have believed you.

While Sara and I were away on vacation in October, I scheduled a landscaper to trim three of the trees in my yard. I was very clear that I liked the way my trees in my backyard gave me privacy. You see, I don’t have curtains in my living room and kitchen. I love the natural light that floods in during the day.

I have an olive tree that spans most of my backyard. It served as a perfect curtain of privacy from the neighbors behind me. Before I left on vacation, I reiterated not to trim the trees too high because I like the privacy.

I came home to discover that my words went in one ear and out the other of this quite talented tree trimmer. I walked into the backyard after the six hour car ride to discover my tree looked naked.

Okay, it didn’t really look naked. But, hello, it was trimmed. A LOT. I instantly wanted to cry. All those years of trimming it ourselves and getting it just perfect were wiped away. I turned around and looked into my living room. I could see everything!

Ironically, my neighbors behind me also don’t have curtains in their living room or kitchen. We have agreed that we won’t judge the other when we see each other in pajamas.

That night, when I first stood on my patio, ready to experience a new level of panic, God was there with me. He gently began to parallel me with my tree. It was true. I was the tree.

I had worked for years to craft just the kind of life I wanted to live. I was a wife and mom to two girls. I had a great career as a teacher at a school I loved. Everything was just the way I wanted it to be. My tree branches were full.

As I stood on that patio praying and thinking, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was the tree. I have been trimmed or you could say pruned. I am no longer a wife. My oldest is now married and lives in another state. My youngest is counting the days until high school graduation and she can move out. My school closed. With the ending of my school, so ended my career as a teacher.

As I’m typing this, I’m looking out the windows of my living room at my beautiful tree. She stands tall. Her arms still reach nearly across the whole backyard. Now, I can see through her branches. I can see the blue sky, the house behind me and even their trees.

Eventually, new branches will grow. New leaves will fill in the gaps. New birds will make nests in my tree. And so it is with me. New doors open and I am learning to walk through them. I’m trusting in the Lord and the new things He has planned for me.

Last Christmas, I knew my world for 2019 was NEW. Today’s verse was the verse the Lord gave me for this year. And He has definitely done a new thing in me. He has brought new friends into my life and deepened old friendships. He has given me new ministry opportunities. And He is helping me revive this blog.

I don’t yet know what my word or verse is for 2020, but I do know that He’s just starting this new thing in me.

How about you? Are you in transition? Is God doing a new thing in your life? At first, I resisted what was happening. Then, I grieved the loss of a dream. Today, I’m waiting, eagerly, to discover the next chapter of my life.

Take time to grieve the loss, whatever it might be. Then, embrace the new. The new thing God is doing in your life. Wait with expectation trusting that our God is working. He is up to something. He is working it all out.

Join me in the waiting. Let’s walk this next decade together.

He is doing a new thing!

8 thoughts on “When Life Looks Different

  1. Jamie Powers

    Thank you for this! Love you!

    • Louise Nichols

      Love you! Thank you, Jamie.

  2. Stephanie

    Thank you for sharing this word.

    • Louise Nichols

      Thanks for the encouragement, Stephanie!

  3. Jayne

    I’m right there with you! I totally get the tree analogy. God is pruning and stretching us for so much more.

    • Louise Nichols

      Yes, Jayne, so much more. Miss you, friend!

  4. Sarah

    This was God’s perfect timing today to read. Thank you ❤️

    • Louise Nichols

      Sarah, I’m so glad!

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