1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge


I wrote this post last year and I’m ready to do this again!  Starting on Monday, I’m turning into an organizing machine.  I am going to change the schedule a bit.  I will be starting with my bedroom and closet.  This summer Kate is working so it will just be Sara and me Tuesday through Friday.  Because we did such a great job last summer, I’m thinking we can do this with only a couple hours a day.  Happy organizing!

It’s summer!  Ask any teacher what they do during the summer and I bet one of the things they do is clean out closets, organize their kitchen, or deep clean their house from top to bottom.  That’s what’s on the agenda for next week at the Nichols’ house!

I slowly broke the news to the girls last night that next week we are going to be working hard around here.  If we power through we can do it all in one week.  I did explain that I would be bragging on them in the blog and that seemed to get them motivated to jump in and help me.

I love summer because I get so much done around the house.  My last day of work was this past Thursday.  On Friday morning, Sara and I were at Lowe’s buying paint to paint the girl’s bathroom.  This morning, I was up with the birds trimming a bush in the front yard.  Each summer I try to work hard for the month of June, getting everything around here looking good.  Then in July, I rest up for the next school year and we take a family vacation.

I must confess that last summer I did not do this.  Last year was a weird year.  You can read about it here.  Honestly, the last time I did a thorough whole house organizing was in October 2014, when I blogged the series, Prepare Your Home for the Holidays.  I have been itching to clean out closets and organize my kitchen again.  That series took a whole month because I was working and could only take little chunks of time after work.

I’m also looking forward to doing a nice deep clean of the house, literally from top to bottom.  I will be doing my routine cleaning on Saturday as I explained in the post Clean Your House.  We will be adding in the monthly and biannually list while organizing during the week.

Join me next week for my daily blog entries on our progress.  And please join in the fun of the challenge.  I’m not sure fun was the right word to use but maybe for you it is fun.  Here’s a quick run down of what I’m planning:

  • Monday:  living room, entry, office space, hall closets
  • Tuesday:  laundry room, master bathroom, kid’s bathroom
  • Wednesday:  kitchen
  • Thursday:  master bedroom and closet
  • Friday:  kid’s bedrooms

Are you in?  If so, leave a comment below.  Let’s encourage each other!

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18 thoughts on “1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge

  1. Genenvieve

    I’m joining in with you!!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Awesome! We are going to feel so good! This week I am focusing on the front and back yards.

  2. Genenvieve

    Ok I am tired! Did the office, closet under the stairs, and shoe rack at the entry by the garage, and about 6 loads of laundry. I’ll do the living room another day. Thanks for the challenge!!

  3. Nikki Reeves

    I feel the same way. Summer is the only time I have to deep clean/organize. Thank you for sharing this. I spent 4 days organizing my closet and it’s still not done. Do you have any posts on how to de-clutter/decide what to keep? It’s totally overwhelming me.

    • Louise Nichols

      Nikki, I will write a post to answer your question later today. I did write two posts that I believe would be a good place to start: Prepare Your Home for the Holidays Day 7: Master ClosetPrepare Your Home for the Holidays Day 7: Master Closet and Clothes Management 101Clothes Management 101
      I have a small house which is why I can do it in a week and I have 2 teenagers that do help me.

    • Louise Nichols

      Nikki, I just wrote the post How To Declutter a Space. Check it out!How To Declutter a Space

    • Kathy

      Anytime I buy a new item, I have to throw 1item away. I have been doing that for over 10 years now. It work wonders plus saves me money. I have to think before I buy is there something I am willing to give up.

      • Louise Nichols

        That is such a great idea. When my parents downsized a few years ago, they implemented that same rule.

  4. Genenvieve

    Wanting to keep with your schedule…. I went through drawers in the upstairs desk and organized living room last night!! Ready for my list today!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Gen, You’re a rock star! I can’t believe it! I can’t wait to hear what you are going to do today.

      • Genenvieve

        Today I organized my laundry room, went through all of my kids keep sake papers and bought new bins to store them in, I went through my bathroom cabinets and drawers, and my linen closet. Feeling accomplished. Was hoping to stick with your schedule but couldn’t get to it all today as we had 5 neighborhood friends over today. That’s why we love summer break! There’s always tomorrow. The fun thing is 2 of my kids are really anxious to help out!😀

        • Louise Nichols

          That is amazing! It is so fun to do it with the kids. I was going to organize my kid’s work too. How funny! As they are all just on one shelf in my closet. What will you do today? I can’t wait to hear about it.

          • Genenvieve

            Not as much today…. Had neighbor friends over again today,😄 Had to run some errands, and an appointment. I did one kids bedroom and the kids bathroom. Hope to accomplish more tomorrow!!!

          • Louise Nichols


  5. Genenvieve

    I finished three more kids rooms and 1/2 of the toy closet, yesterday! My husband loaded his truck and dropped it off at Goodwill! Going to try to finish the last bathroom and organize one more space😀. Great challenge! I think I will get the master closet the other half of the toy closet, and my drawers tomorrow. The kitchen later this summer! I am so happy I did this at the beginning of the summer instead of the end of the summer! Thanks Louise!❤️❤️

    • Louise Nichols

      That’s incredible! I know, doing it at the beginning of the summer is so much better. You then can relax in a completely organized house. Now that’s what I call a true vacation. I will be posting my organizing accomplishments next week.

  6. Genevieve Ferrara

    Ready for the cleaning challenge!!! Are you going to issue it again? I looked up your old post to do it again! It really helped me last year, and I loved having my house organized all summer. Love you and am excited!

    • Louise Nichols

      Yes, I’m getting ready to post about it now for next week! Love you!!!!

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