1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge Day 1


It’s Monday and Day 1 of the 1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge.

Today I started with my office space.  I love my little office space which my dad built for me a few years ago.  I did reorganize it to make it my blog space.  I want to buy a small bulletin board and cute little pins and I will be all set.  I really wanted to get rid of the 3 drawer eye-sore on the desk, but Kurt did remind me that once I get back to school, the filing will just sit on top of the desk because I’m not always the greatest at staying up on my filing.  So, I’m keeping it.


I then moved to the 2 hall closets with the help of my girls.  We went through our games and movies.  We filled two grocery bags with stuff to donate to Good Will.  Do you see Foxy trying to do a little exploration in our coat closet?


I dusted all the pictures on our picture wall and reorganized them.


I apologize for the poor lighting of the pictures.  It’s dark outside.  Hopefully tomorrow I will finish before dark.

I didn’t get to our entry table, baseboards, floor, or light switches and outlet covers.  I had to run to the vet to get more drops for Foxy’s ears and then had an appointment.  I will add these items onto the list for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will be finishing these few items as well as organizing both bathrooms and the laundry room.

Have you joined me on the challenge?  If so, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

See you all tomorrow with more pictures.


2 thoughts on “1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge Day 1

  1. Susan Shoffner

    You inspired me!! Did both bathrooms and now working on the kitchen drawers and cabinets!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Fantastic! Don’t you feel so good? I love starting the summer clean and organized!!!

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