1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge Day 2


It’s day 2 of the 1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge.  I am feeling so accomplished today!  The girls and I have worked hard today and are now relaxing.  Yesterday when we cleaned out our game closet, we rediscovered Clue.  We did play a few games today between tasks.

We finished up the list from yesterday.

We then worked on the master bathroom.  That took me longer than I thought it would, but it’s done.  I organized our linen closet and the cabinets and drawers in the vanity.  The girls were a great help to me.


After lunch we watched a movie.  I got restless and organized the laundry room.


A few weeks ago we put in a new bathtub in the girl’s bathroom.  We painted and gave the bathroom a small make-over.  As Kurt was leaving for work this morning, he told me had organized the baskets under the girl’s bathroom vanity.  I took a look and he certainly did.  I celebrated.

I love hearing from some of you who have joined the challenge.  Tell us in the comments below what you have organized this week.

Tomorrow we will be organizing our kitchen.

I am really looking forward to Saturday morning when the whole house is organized and cleaned.  It’s going to be a great summer.

Come back to the blog tomorrow for more updates and pictures.

2 thoughts on “1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge Day 2

  1. Susan Shoffner

    Accomplished both kids rooms, and you know what
    A pack rat Talon is!! I finally sent him out to play
    So I could get rid of two big bags of stuff!! I am feeling good too!

    • Louise Nichols

      That is so funny!

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