1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge Day 3


Today marked halfway through the 1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge.  This morning after breakfast, the girls and I got right to work on the kitchen.

We organized the pantry.  I was able to get rid of a few things that didn’t pass the 10 year test.  You know that platter or bowl that you used 10 years ago and you think you will use it again.  And the truth is after 10 years, you realize you will never use it.

We then cleaned out cabinets.  I was able to better organize after purging a few more things.

The girls polished the cabinets not just in the kitchen but also in both bathrooms.

I didn’t take pictures because I’m not sure you would want to see my appliances organized or our pantry.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to the junk drawer.  Maybe tomorrow or Friday I can do that.

Tomorrow, I’m organizing our master bedroom and closet.  How are you doing on the challenge?  Let us know in the comments below.

I may not get to blog about tomorrow because I have the book study tomorrow night.  If not, I will write a post for Friday morning.

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