3 Things I Do to Avoid a Cold


With cold and flu season upon us, I thought I’d share 3 Things I Do to Avoid a Cold.  My nephew just tested positive for the flu, Kurt has been sick with a cold/throat infection for a month, and Kate just missed a week of school with a slight fever, cough, and headache.  I have students coughing and hacking all day.  Staying healthy is hard to do.  I do the same 3 things everyday to try to avoid a cold.

  1. I use a Neti Pot.  I have been using my Neti Pot for years.  Every morning before I get in the shower I fill it with water and a little bit of the saline packet.  I find that if I use a whole packet, it burns my nose.  Then I let the saline mixture dissolve while in the shower.  Once I’m done showering, I take a deep breath, remind myself this is to help me stay healthy, and use it.  I cough, it’s downright gross, but it works.  If I do get a cold I usually only have it for about 5 days, I believe it cuts my cold in half.
  2. I eat an orange at lunch.  Everyday during these cold/flu months, I eat one orange everyday.  When I worked as an optician, a good 15 years ago, I had this horrible cold.  Nothing worked.  I tried everything, well except the Neti Pot, I didn’t know about the Neti Pot back then.  I had a patient, who was an elderly man.  He suggested I eat an orange a day.  I took his advice because I was so desperate, and you know what?  It worked!  It kicked the cold out of me.  Since then, I swear by an orange a day.
  3. I get enough rest.  I go to bed when I’m tired.  I don’t push it when it comes to going to bed.  I try to be asleep before 10.  Then on the weekend, I take a nap if my schedule allows it both Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  I also try to sleep in on the weekend.  Sometimes, I can’t, I wake up and that’s it, I’m up.  Because I am a morning person, for me, going to bed is important.

I hope you find this post helpful.  May I suggest you try following my 3 simple steps and watch yourself stay healthy through this year’s cold season.  Do you have a few things that you do to stay healthy?  If so, share them in the comments below.


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