Woo Hoo!

launch picture

As I prepare to write this post my heart is racing.  I am nervous and excited to announce Living Bellissima.

Over the past several months I have labored in love to get to this day.  I have spent sweet times with the Lord seeking His direction as I write.  I have bounced ideas off many friends and family.  I have read every post aloud to my kids.  I have kept Kurt up until the wee hours of the morning talking his ear off about a series idea or a new recipe.  I have spent countless hours with Hannah Webster.  I have truly loved every minute along the way.

And today marks the day that you get to join me on my journey.  Look around the site, leave a comment or two, and enjoy yourself.  A great place to start is Start Here.  On Monday I started a new series called Prepare Your Home for the Holidays.  Join me as I organize my home during the month of October.  Next month I will be writing a new series Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays.  Sign up to receive the Living Bellissima email Newsletter.  My desire is that you are blessed by what you read.

Thank you for visiting Living Bellissima.  Come back again!

24 thoughts on “Woo Hoo!

  1. Carrie Salow

    Take a bow, Louise! Great job! 🙂 I am happy for you!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you!

  2. Jan Dolter

    I’m so excited for you Louise, but selfishly excited for myself all those soon to be blessed women out there that will get to read your blogs! Can’t wait to get organized!

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you!

  3. Beth

    Way to go Louise! Your awesome and inspiring! xoxox b.

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you! xoxo

  4. Wow, Louise! I’m impressed. Your site is beautiful and packed with wonderful ideas and inspiration. May God bless your new venture as you use your gifts to bless others.


    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you, Starr!

  5. Keri Griffith-Terry

    Hi Louise, I’m so blessed to call you a friend. Thank you so much for your inspiration and for sharing this wonderful website you’ve created. I can’t wait to see more.

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you, Keri!

  6. Genevieve Ferrara

    So proud of you!! It looks amazing! Can’t wait to follow it daily! You are truly gifted! Xoxoxo

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you, my Bellissima Buddy! xoxo

  7. Mona

    I am SO proud of you Louise!!! This blog is amazing! I love it!!! Please tell Hannah she did a great job with the website! Can’t wait to read your next entry!! 🙂

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you! You did a great job on the logo.

  8. Sheri Powers

    Very cool, Louise!!! I can’t wait to read more and try some of your ideas! God Bless you!

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you!

  9. Cindy Bertola

    Great job Louise. We are so proud of you. Great job your hard work shows.

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you!

  10. DeAnna

    I am so excited for you!!! Can’t wait to read all your fun ideas and I bet there will be some chocolate mixed in there somewhere!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you! I just made dark chocolate brownies
      this morning that will be making their way to the blog soon.

  11. Paula

    Looks great, Louise!

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you!

  12. Janine

    So proud of you Louise….you did it. You bless me with your writing and great ideas. My goal…to start going through my master bedroom this weekend. Living Bellissima!!!! Thank you Louise!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you, sweet Janine!

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