
worship wednesday


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”  2 Corinthians 1:3-4

This weekend a dear friend shared with me some sad news.  She was broken by what is happening in her life.  She is grieving.

As I listened to her I was filled with compassion.  Just like the verse states we will have compassion for others because we have experienced God’s compassion.

Several weeks ago I was feeling overwhelmed with grief thinking about Kurt’s cancer diagnosis.  I was in my bedroom.  I needed to talk to a friend.  I needed someone to cry with me.  I didn’t need to hear everything is going to be okay or God’s in control or I need to stay positive.  What I needed at that moment was compassion.

The Holy Spirit reminded me I could talk to Him.  I could cry with Him.  That still small voice whispered to my soul.  It was a beautiful.  I wept in the presence of my Lord.  He knew what I needed.  I needed to feel the compassion of my Heavenly Father, the Father of Compassion.

I shared this experience with my friend.  We cried together.  What a privilege it was to simply cry with her!  I wrapped my arms around her, prayed for her, and listened to her.

Remember our Lord knows exactly what we need when we need it.  Let us worship the Father of compassion today.

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