Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe

Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’  Mark 5:36

Jesus gives a simple five word command, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

“Don’t be afraid.”  I believe that most things we worry about stem from fear.  What is it that you are afraid of?  When the whole world is sleeping, what is on a continual loop that keeps you awake?  Name your fear.  Call it out.  Now, hand it to Jesus.

If you are worried about your kids, imagine in your mind you are literally handing your child to the Lord.

“Just believe.”  Believe He will take it and replace your fear with peace.  It’s a beautiful exchange.  Believe He can see the big picture and He knows how to best proceed.  Believing makes room for rest.  The command to not be afraid is good, but adding just believe is the way we choose not to be afraid.

Jesus simply says, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.”

My challenge is to do what He commands.  I want to walk in faith, not fear.  I want to believe not doubt.  I want to be free not stay in bondage.

Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Jesus is the First and the Last!  Jesus is the beginning and the End!  Jesus is the creator of the heavens and the earth!  And yet, when asked this one simple command, “Don’t be afraid, just believe,”  I can waver.  Reminders like this, give me strength.

By reminding myself of who He is, believing becomes possible.

Join me in my new mantra.  “I am not going to worry.  I am going to trust the Lord.  I am not afraid.  I believe!”

2 thoughts on “Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe

  1. Robin Johnson

    Truth! No fear!

    • Louise Nichols


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