
worship wednesday

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”  2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

Kurt and I were in New York City last week which is why I did not write a Worship Wednesday post.  While in New York City we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I wanted to visit the Met because each year my reading class reads the book From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. FrankweilerThe book takes place in the Met.  I took pictures around the museum of places and pieces that are mentioned in the book.

Kurt and I made our way through the different galleries and came across this majestic piece of art.

picture from the met

It is “Between Heaven and Earth” and was created with silk and recycled liquor bottle caps.  It reminded me of us.

God takes us with all our flaws – liquor bottle caps – and recycles us.  He then adds His grace – silk – and makes us into something new.

When He sees us He sees a beautiful masterpiece.  He does not see our flaws or shortcomings, no, He sees a new creation.

You are a new creation!  Don’t walk around defeated, you have been recycled and woven throughout with God’s grace.

You are breathtakingly beautiful!

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