Feed your Soul

worship wednesday

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”  Psalm 119:11

This year one of my goals has been to memorize Romans 8.  One of the ways I am working on that is to listen to it on my Bible app each morning.  I usually am putting on makeup or fixing school lunches as I listen.

The other day, I was working in my classroom preparing for the start of the year.  I opened up the Bible app, selected Romans 8, and pressed the play button to hear it.  The male voice clearly said, “Psalm 119.”

I looked at my phone.  Romans 8 was on my screen, I could read it, but I was hearing Psalm 119.  I listened to the entire Psalm, all 176 verses.  The male voice then said, “Romans 9.”  I laughed aloud.  I figured God must have wanted me to hear Psalm 119.

What an amazing Psalm!  My soul was fed as I listened to the Psalmist write about God’s Word.  I love God’s Word.  I love opening my Bible and reading about our amazing God.  I love how it is substance for my soul.  Nothing brings greater peace and comfort than reading the Word and knowing that it is God speaking to us.

Psalm 119 is about God’s Word.  Take time today to read all of Psalm 119.  Feed your soul with the words of this anonymous author.  Your soul will soar.

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