God Cares about the Little Things

Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

I remember the very first thing I saved for and purchased. A bike. I was ten years old. I saved my birthday money and Christmas money. I remember it like it was yesterday. My parents took me to Pep Boys where I bought a sky blue 10-speed.

Even further back, I remember my dad teaching me to ride a bicycle. I had a red and orange bike with a 1970’s flower pattern banana seat. Did you have one of those? If you’re around my age, you probably did. My sweet dad held onto the back of the seat and ran with me as I wobbled back and forth in front of our house until he could let go and off into the sunset I rode.

Oh, how I loved to ride my bike. So you can imagine the excitement when I walked into that Pep Boys to buy a 10-speed. Within a few hours of that purchase I was soaring down the street, wind in my hair, free as a bird.

My love of biking carried into my early twenties. At that time I lived in Maryland. On the weekends, I could be found visiting museums in Washington D.C. or riding a bike through state parks.

By my late twenties, I had transitioned to a stationary bike. I loved that stationary bike. I rode it every day. Eventually, it broke and I never replaced it. The years passed and life got busy and I forgot all about my love of riding.

Last week, my parents bought a stationary bike from Amazon that didn’t quite work for them. Guess what? They gave it to me. I am loving having a bike back in my life.

I jumped on it and after five minutes had to quit. My legs were burning. The next morning, I was back on the bike before heading out for a walk. Oh, friends, I’m so happy. I’m happy to be doing something I love, something I had forgotten about.

Here’s the best part. Just last week the Lord and I were talking about that bike and how I’d love another one but just didn’t want to spend the money on it. I didn’t tell my parents. I didn’t tell anyone. It’s sort of a silly thing.

But to my Heavenly Father, it isn’t silly. In the verse for today, we are reminded that God will give us the desires of our hearts. You see, I didn’t even ask Him for one. I was just talking to Him, reminiscing about how much I used to love riding a bike. And in His kindness, He blessed me with one of my heart’s desires.

What are your heart’s desires? Why not stop for a moment and answer that question? Talk to the Lord, tell Him what you would like. What might seem silly to you, may not be silly to the Lord. He is a loving Father who loves to give good gifts to His kids.

God cares about the little things. He cares about what you care about. I would go as far as to say that it is He who gives you the desire for the little things and then He gives them to you.

He knows what makes your heart beat, what gets you excited to face the day, what puts a smile on your face. He loves you!

4 thoughts on “God Cares about the Little Things

  1. This was so timely! I’ve had a desire to ride a bike in fact my hubby bought me a pretty blue one 2 years ago. I ride it once!! But fear has kept me from riding it again! Fear that I would fall like I did when I was 7 years old. ThIs post has encouraged me to move past that fear once again. I will ride my bike if only a few blocks until the fear is completely gone!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Robin, That’s awesome! I love how you write about overcoming fear on your blog. The enemy wants to keep us from enjoying the good things God has for us. Ride your bike with courage. Praise the Lord for breakthrough!

  2. Robyn Dahl

    I love this!! Our God is the giver of really good gifts!!.

    I was a young mom and just learning to lean on my good Father as provider. Well, our vacuum broke at the time we didn’t have the resources to buy a new one. So, I asked the Lord to provide one for us. It’s not like I had a gob of faith,I was just trying to trust Him at His word!!

    As a result of that prayer a very similar thing happed for us, my parents got a new vacuum and out of the blue called to ask if I’d like their old one that was still in amazing shape. I will never forget how grateful I was and how loved I felt in that moment.

    Thank you Louise for testifying to God’s goodness you you!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      Robyn, I love that story of God’s faithfulness!

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