I am working on my next book and I wrote this paragraph the other day. I thought I would share it with you today.
It is because He wants to meet us in our pain. Remember the goal of this book is to grow in a deeper more intimate relationship with God through spiritual disciplines. It doesn’t come from Him knowing us more. He knows every part of us. He knows every hair on our head. But it comes from us knowing Him more, us learning new facets of who He is. We will live our whole lives and we will still not know all there is to know of Him until we get to heaven. He continually reveals new things to us. It is amazing and beautiful.
Friends, I hope this encourages you today. He is running after you and what He wants you to know Him more. Spend time with Him. Read His Word. And fall in love with the kindness and goodness of God the Father.
Don’t believe the lies that He is an angry God pouring out judgment on your life. He poured out His judgment on the cross on His Son and in so doing, all of Christ’s righteousness was credited to those who know Him. He is a blessings God who is pouring out blessings on you. Look for them, you will see them.
For me, it’s the majestic sky as the sun is rising; it’s the sweet smile of my granddaughter, Tate; it’s the way He provides for me; it’s the intimacy we share throughout the day as I talk with Him.
Today, ask Holy Spirit to show you to reveal more of Himself to you. And look around at the blessings in your life, they are gifts.