Squeezing Time for God in a Hectic Schedule- Day 4: Jot It Down


Day 4: Jot It Down

I hope you are feeling encouraged as we are Squeezing Time for God in a Hectic Schedule. Today let’s look at journaling. I don’t know about you, but when someone says, journaling, my hearts starts to race. I love writing but I really hate keeping a journal. I have tried many times and failed many times. It’s entertaining for me to look back at journals I have tried to keep. Each entry usually starts with, “Well, it’s been a long time since I last wrote in here.” I have one diary that I actually wrote, “It’s been 3 years since I last penned an entry.” Are you kidding 3 years? I’m hoping there are a few of you who can relate.

I have one friend who kept a journal of her daughter’s high school years. When I hear this, I feel overwhelmed. Probably because I know that I would write in it about, oh, I don’t know, two times. One on her first day of high school and the other when she graduates college. Where I would write something like, “It’s been 8 years since my last entry.”

I have come to terms with my disdain for keeping a journal. And, you know what, that’s okay. So, you may be wondering, why I am dedicating this last day in our series Squeezing Time for God in a Hectic Schedule to journaling?

For the past few years, I actually used a piece of notebook paper to jot down key phrases from a sermon, a verse that really spoke to me, or things I heard from the Lord. I didn’t write that much down because I had that same piece of paper for two or three years.
This past Christmas I asked for an actual journal. It was my favorite gift from Kurt. The first thing I did was copy down what I had written on my piece of notebook paper. Because I have come to terms with my view of journaling and am not walking in self-imposed guilt, I am actually using it more than I could have imagined.

I also write in my Bible. Do you? I have started writing down dates next to certain passages of scripture. I love looking back and seeing those dates. It reminds me that my relationship with God is alive.

Simple Steps:

Purchase a journal or throw a piece of notebook paper in your Bible.

On Sunday, if you hear something from your pastor that speaks to you, jot it down.

When you are reading your Bible, jot down a verse or thought that you have that you know God is saying especially to you.

Feel free to write in the margin of you Bible.

This concludes the short, yet life changing, series Squeezing Time for God in a Hectic Schedule. I hope this has been beneficial for you. Please leave me a comment and let me know what changes you have made to your life to grow closer to the Lord.

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