I the Lord do not change. Malachi 3:6 NIV
Sunday night I met my teen Bible study on Zoom. Can I take a moment and tell you how fabulous that was? There is nothing quite like a teen in their bedroom or game room chatting with other kids their age and me, of course. It was a great way to connect and laugh and pray for each other. Every Sunday night, when I hear them pray fervently for each other my heart melts! We end each meeting with Numbers 6:24-26. This week I was able to share a song with this blessing. Click here if you need to hear a blessing, it’s beautiful.
I asked them how many things had changed in their lives in the past two weeks. No school. Homeschool. Missing friends. Fear of running out of toilet paper. Parents working from home. No eating in restaurants. And the list kept going.
If I asked you that question, what would you say?
My answers to this question are not seeing my parents. Not meeting in person for meetings with ministry partners, church, Bible study, or the ladies I meet with one-on-one to walk through freedom in Christ. No lunch dates with friends or coffee dates. Walking into the store and not finding what I want. Multiple trips to multiple stores just to get the right ingredients for my meal plan. Sara, my daughter who is a senior in high school, is adjusting to doing school at home. Talking about what it will be like if she doesn’t have a prom or even get to walk at her graduation.
Not all the changes have been negative. I’m noticing my neighbors have become a little more friendly. I have been walking every morning in my neighborhood for years and most of the time as cars ride by me I get a head nod if I’m lucky. Now, people are waving and smiling. One woman actually rolled down her window and said hi!
I’ve started working out to the Peloton app. It’s free for 90 days. Click here to check it out. I’m rediscovering how much I enjoy exercise. Stretching and lifting 2 lb weights can actually be fun.
Have there been positive changes for you? Are you reconnecting with your kids? Taking more walks? Cooking dinner as a family? Working out? Doing puzzles?
Slowing our pace is certainly nice. And yet for some it may be anxiety provoking. You may find yourself being highly sensitive to what a month ago you wouldn’t have given a second thought. Little things may be getting under your skin. Friends, you are not alone. Although we have never lived through anything quite like this, I think it’s normal to have heightened sensitivities.
So, what do we hold onto at a time like this? How do we navigate this life change? Where do we put our hope?
I’m reminded of a time when my life was a bit chaotic. I was spiraling in my thoughts. My heart was racing. I felt nervous energy and paralyzed simultaneously. I was standing in my living room looking at the olive tree in my backyard, the one I wrote about here. I could barely whisper a prayer. I knew what to do. Holy Spirit had prepared me for this moment. I began to declare aloud my identity.
- I am a child of God.
- I am loved by God.
- I am the apple of His eye.
- He delights in me.
I continued to declare who I am in Christ. When suddenly I felt the small still voice whisper to my spirit, Begin to declare who I am. Eyes filling with tears, I changed my declarations.
- You are the God who saves.
- You are my strong tower.
- You are the King of kings and Lord of lords.
- You are the first and the last.
- You are good.
- You are love.
- You are my Savior.
- You are my healer.
- You are creator.
- You are sovereign.
- You know all things.
Friends, sometimes we don’t need to remember who we are, we need to remember who He is.
We can take what He says and put all our eggs in that basket. He says He doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He holds you in the palm of His hands. We rest in His shadow.
Are you struggling? It’s okay if you are. I know things look scary. Here’s what I want you to do. Take your eyes off of what things are looking like and put them on what you know. You know that God loves you. You know that God doesn’t change. You know that He has good plans for you. You know that all things work out for our good. You know that He will finish what He started in you.
You see, that day in my living room, once I started declaring who He is, my problems got smaller. They didn’t go away. They didn’t change. In fact, things got worse before they got better. But none of that mattered because my God, the King of kings, holds my future in His hands. You can lose everything, but you will never lose God’s love. Never.
Take courage! Our God is a good god! Our God loves you! And He’s not finished working things out for your good, which ultimately gives Him glory. Put your hope in His promise that He doesn’t change.
Today, I’m on the other side of losing a lot of what I valued. If you know me personally, then you know my story. But you also know, that no matter what weapon formed against me did not prosper, because I live for Jesus. Plain and simple. My relationship with Jesus is the most important in my life. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to that! I rest in Him.
If you would like to know more about Jesus, I’m here for you. If you are struggling, I’m here for you. If you would like me to pray for you or pray with you, I’m here for you. Reach out to me through the comments, email me at info@livingbellissima.com, or text or call me if you have my number. You won’t be the first. It seems I’m getting at least one call a day from someone who needs a little encouragement. I know God has good plans for you.

*Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom, my latest book, is available on Amazon. Click here to purchase your copy and a copy for a friend.