Advent Scripture Schedule

Are you looking for a schedule of Bible verses to read to keep your heart on what Christmas is all about?  Well, you are about to be blessed.  I went through the four gospels and came up with a schedule from December 1 through December 25.  If you would like to receive a short devotional each day this Christmas season, sign up to receive Living Bellissima’s email newsletter by clicking here.  Then join me each evening on Facebook at 8:00pm MT to read through it and have a short discussion.

Here is the schedule I will be following:

  • December 1:  John 1:1-5
  • December 2:  Mark 1:1-3
  • December 3:  John 1:6-9
  • December 4:  Luke 1:5-7
  • December 5:  Luke 1:8-10
  • December 6:  Luke 1:11-17
  • December 7:  Luke 1:18-20
  • December 8:  Luke 1:21 – 25
  • December 9:  Luke 1:26-28
  • December 10:  Luke 1:29-33
  • December 11:  Luke 1:34-38
  • December 12:  Luke 1:39-45
  • December 13:  Luke 1:46-56
  • December 14:  Matthew 1:18-24
  • December 15:  Luke 1:57-66
  • December 16:  Luke 1:67-80
  • December 17:  Luke 2:1-4
  • December 18:  Luke 2:5-7
  • December 19:  Luke 2:8-12
  • December 20:  Luke 2:13-14
  • December 21:  Luke 2:15-20
  • December 22:  Matthew 2:1-8
  • December 23:  Matthew 2:9-12
  • December 24:  Matthew 2:13-18
  • December 25:  John 3:16

I am looking forward to what the Lord will say to us this Christmas season!

One thought on “Advent Scripture Schedule

  1. Genevieve Ferrara

    Love it!!!

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