New Year, New You. How many times have you seen that statement lately? Probably too many times to count. It’s the start of a new year, a new decade, in fact.
Do you find yourself wanting to have a New Year’s resolution? Or possibly setting new goals for the new year? I have been setting goals for a new year for years.
I will admit setting goals for the year allowed me to accomplish lots of things. But as I find myself looking at 2020, I’m pausing. Setting goals between Christmas and New Year’s just feels right. Yet, I can’t seem to do it this year.
I have a background in the optical field. Before I was a teacher, I was an optician. So, for me 2020 makes me smile for more than one reason. It has me thinking about the word focus.
Rather than set goals, I’m going to change my focus. You know when you’re at the eye doctor’s office and they ask you, “Which is better A or B?” I’m going to try that this year.
I’m going to allow myself to have choices and the freedom to choose what works best for me and the calling God has on my life. For example, if I have a schedule conflict, I’m going to ask myself which is better. Which option gives me more clarity as to where God is leading? Which option allows me to be a blessing to others? Which option brings God’s call more clearly into focus?
This year I didn’t get a word from the Lord. I definitely asked Him for a word and a verse. Just like goal setting, I’ve been doing this for years. Ironically, the Lord remained silent. Maybe, He’s giving me a choice…A or B.
On Monday, I had lunch with my sister and a dear friend who is just like a sister to me to celebrate my birthday. My friend had two balloons tied to the chair in the restaurant. Placed strategically in front of the place of honor an envelope. Inside the envelope the card held edifying words in her beautiful handwriting and a suggestion of a word for 2020.
My friend is praying that I encounter God’s joy this year. I shared with them that I had not received a word from the Lord for the year. My sister pointed out that maybe I could choose JOY as my word for 2020.

This suggestion was exactly what the doctor ordered. I could chose JOY. I already have a cute t-shirt that says those exact words, “choose joy.” Look at that! Could it be that when I received that t-shirt as a gift a few months ago, God was dropping a hint?
What I love about my relationship with God is that it is always growing, changing, stretching, and giving me new glimpses into His character. He’s not a God who fits neatly in a box and neither is our relationship. I’m loving that this year was different than the last several years. He’s changing it up a bit. When He changes things up a bit, new good things grow.
I’m thinking last year’s word of NEW will serve nicely as the foundation for JOY. Even this whole idea of choosing A or B has me thinking just a little differently. What is He doing? I am so excited to buckle up and join Him on the ride.
So, friends, what is He doing in your life? Is He mixing things up a bit? Take time to sit with Him and listen. Step away from your family, your phone, your commitments, and listen.
His invitation into relationship with Him is ever changing and never boring.
I’m praying that as you enter 2020 you can focus on what God has for you this year. What blessings will He pour out on you? What opportunities will He bring across your path just so that you can be a blessing to others? And what are the ways He will show you how deeply He loves you?
Happy New Year, friends!
Honored! ❤️
You are a gift to me!
Lovely thoughts…this A or B…and honestly sometimes it can be “ right now, I choose neither…”. Still listening or thinking perhaps…🙏🏻❤️
Absolutely! I love your wisdom.
Charmain, you truly are a gift to many. And I miss you! 🤗
Thank you Louise. I will take your words and apply them in my walk with Jesus this year. I have heard the word to take care of myself this year so I can be there for others. Taking care of myself definitely includes more private time and conversation with Him. May we all who love Him grow in closeness to Him and bless each other along the way this year💕
I love that you’re hearing to take care of yourself. That’s the heart of our Father, to tend to our heart. I’ll be praying you find ways to get more private time and conversation with Him!
Such great insight. I’m glad you were blessed on Monday.
Those two are amazing!
Thanks Louise for this post as you have a way with words. Definitely makes me think of setting goals and making plans and finding my word for 2020. And BTW, Happy belated Birthday❤
Thank you, Rebekah. I’ll be praying for you to find your word, verse, and goals for 2020.