“Before you do anything, put your trust totally in God and not in yourself. Then every plan you make will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 TPT
I love New York City and Washington D.C. Because of my affinity for these big cities, I thought I loved big cities. Wrong. I have come to learn I do not love big cities. I actually love a small town.
I love my small town of Gilbert, Arizona. It’s quickly becoming a large town and will one day actually become a city, but for now it’s still small enough to stay a town.
My discovery of my, well how should I put it nicely, my lack of love for a big city came on a recent trip to Los Angeles, California. Can I just take moment and tell you I don’t like LA traffic, I don’t like finding a lot to park my car, and I don’t like paying a ridiculous amount of money to park my car there?
Okay, enough of that, we were in LA for Sara to take some tests that measure her aptitude, her natural talents. What are the gifts God created her with to live out her purpose? These tests were spread out over two days.
The first day the testing appointment time was after lunch. I was so happy about that because we could easily get into downtown LA, find a lot to park our car (a whole new experience for the girl from Gilbert), and grab some lunch.
We found the building, not quite a skyscraper, but taller than any building we have in Gilbert. This building had one of those revolving doors, you know the kind you see in movies. It’s really the small things in life that get me excited.
The marble covered walls were beautiful and the lobby was a bit intimidating. I saw a sign with an arrow toward elevators. I led Sara onto the elevator and explained that when a suite in a building starts with the number 5 that means we are going to the 5th floor. I pushed the 5. We waited. The doors opened and we were staring at the parking garage that cost $30 a day to park.
Oh dear, we were on the wrong elevator. Feeling slightly embarrassed, we made our way back to the lobby. I saw two young men wearing suit jackets behind the counter. I politely asked how to get to the testing center. They smiled and pointed toward another set of elevators.
We entered the elevator and the number 5 was already highlighted, no need to press it. That was fun. We found the office and I settled in on a couch to wait the 3 hours it would take for the first day of tests.
The next day, I felt like a pro. I easily navigated the streets of LA, found a lot that was only $10 a day, a real steal considering the day before we paid $16, and found a Starbucks just across the street.
After getting our hot cocoa, we crossed the busy street and walked a short distance to the tall building. This time, we headed straight for the elevators. The doors opened and in we stepped. I pressed the 5 but it didn’t light up. The doors closed and we were moving up. It stopped at the 4th floor, the doors opened and a middle-aged man joined us.
The elevator took us back down to the lobby. I again pressed 5. And again, the doors closed and up we ascended but this time to the second floor. You can probably guess what happened next, another middle-aged man joined us. And yes, back down we went.
All three of us exited the elevator. Sara and I went directly to the counter with the two handsome young men in suits. They were smiling. I’m pretty sure they were waiting for us. Once I explained where we were needing to go, just like yesterday, they pointed to the elevators.
Sara and I once again discovered the number 5 lit and the elevator was ready this time to take us to the 5th floor. I started to laugh. And that’s when I knew I’d be writing about this or using it as a sermon illustration someday.
You see, I can’t help but be reminded of the verse for today. We are called to trust God with our plans, to seek Him out, to actually go to Him first rather than trying to do it on our own.
All I had to do was simply ask at the counter, and now that I think of it, I didn’t even ask. I just told them where I was going. And they made it happen. Once I went to them, the work was done.
When we go to the Lord, He then goes before us, preparing a way for us. I’m not saying we won’t have to work hard to see our plans come to fruition. But I am saying, that He clears the path for us. I still had to walk to the elevator and step onto it and step off of it and walk to the door of the office suite.
Friends, may this serve as a reminder to surrender our need to do it all, to be in control, to always be the one to call the shots. Just go to your loving Father, and talk to Him. It’s His heart’s desire to have a relationship with you. You can trust Him with your heart.
Whatever you are looking at right now, be it a big decision or a wounding you are dealing with, trust Him with it. Take it to our sweet Lord and hand it to Him. Step back and wait and watch. Watch for the way He will make a smooth path for you to walk in. He will push the floor you need.