I’m not sure about you, but for the last few days, I’ve been just a little off. I can’t put my finger on it, but something is, well, off. How are you doing? Is all this getting to you? Are you feeling a little off? I can’t believe I’m the only one who is feeling like this.
During the winter and spring, I found myself on my back patio, rocking in the rocking chair that I had in my classroom for 13 years. But now that July has hit, it’s too hot to go out there and rock and enjoy a cool breeze. In the mornings, I love to take a walk, but the last few mornings, it’s been hot and muggy, although Tuesday morning I did mow my lawn, then I came inside and literally walked around my kitchen and living room for 30 minutes.
All my go-to pick-me-ups are not available to me. I sit at home and look out the window and remember what it was like to go to a movie, walk to the mailbox, or have dinner with friends. Remember what that was like? This is why I asked if you are feeling a little off? Life just looks different than it did four months ago.
Change Perspective
So, when I get in a funk I usually look to find someone I can pour into. Monday nights are dedicated to walking women through freedom in Christ. Monday, I was dragging. I had worked hard Monday and my eyes were tired of staring at a computer. I made a quick call to my mom, ate a small dinner, and at 5:30 started a FaceTime call with a wonderful woman who is seeking more freedom in Christ.
In my spirit I knew, I just knew, that once we started talking I would feel better. Something happens when we open the Word and share what God is doing in our lives. Before I knew it, sure enough, I was laughing and smiling, my spirit had lifted.
A Holy Spirit Wink
I shared with her a small miracle, she called it a Holy Spirit wink. I like that.
When I first moved into my house, I had euphorbia rigida plants in my front and back yards. Over the years, they had all died. I loved those plants and tended to them carefully hand pruning them for years. Maybe it was when I got arthritis that they died, that’s probably a safe guess.
Now that I’m healed from arthritis, I’m back working in my yard again and loving it. It was just a few months ago, I was walking in a parking lot and I saw an euphorbia rigida plant. As I went into the store, I whispered to the Lord how much I loved having those plants in my yard.
Not more than two weeks later, I was sweeping my front walkway, when something so tiny caught my eye. Kneeling down right next to it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a teeny tiny euphorbia rigida with even teenier and tinier flowers on top. I looked up toward Heaven and smiled.

I absolutely, 100% believe that out of His good nature, He planted a seed in my yard that grew into a tiny plant. And that tiny plant has been carrying me for weeks. If God can make a plant that hasn’t grown in my yard for over 5 years, pop up out of nothing, He can do anything.
The Psalmist writes in Psalm 18:19, “he rescued me because he delighted in me.” My God rescued me from the feelings of yuck because He delights in me. And, Friend, He delights in you.
A Little Friendly Advice for When You Are Feeling a Little Off
Take a look around. What do you see? How has he rescued you? Is it a phone call from a friend? A puppy who won’t leave you alone? Or a tiny plant growing in your garden?
Invest in someone else. Pour all of you into someone else. Give of yourself when you feel like eating Peanut M&M’s and watching TV. Do the thing that is opposite of how you feel. And see what the Lord does.
Count your blessings. Take time to write down the blessings you have in your life. If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know, I am a huge proponent of keeping a blessings journal.
I have to admit, when I sat down to write this post, I didn’t feel like writing it. All I wanted to do was eat Peanut M&M’s and watch a Christmas Hallmark movie. Writing this and reflecting on our good God has definitely lifted my spirit.
I’m praying for you when you feel a little off to find the thing today that God has already put in your path to bless you. What opportunity has He given you right now that takes your eyes off you and puts them somewhere else? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
*Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom, my latest book, is available on Amazon. Click here to purchase your copy and a copy for a friend.