Be Jesus

worship wednesday

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Hebrews 13:9

I sat down to write this post with Orlando weighing heavy on my mind.  I asked the Lord to give me a word to share today with you.  As I prayed I opened my Bible randomly to Hebrews.  My eyes fell on the little 9 I had circled.  I read it and smiled.

What hope can we offer?  Jesus.

Who calms our fears?  Jesus.

The writer of Hebrews puts it perfectly, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  He never changes.

Our world changes constantly.  But He never does.

We are shaken by circumstances.  He knows everything.

With change being a constant what can we really count on?  Jesus.  He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.

He is love in a world full of hate.

He is light to a dark world.

He is truth.  When we don’t know who or what to believe, we know what He says is true.

Sunday morning I did not get on Facebook or turn on the TV.  We went to church and I first heard about Orlando from my pastor.  My heart was full of grief for the families involved.  Soon, my heart began to question, what if something like that happens here?  I’m guessing some of you may have had similar thoughts.

Take heart.  Listen carefully to Hebrews 13:9, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Jesus didn’t come and redeem the people from government oppression.  He came to redeem the people from their sins.  Jesus went around healing people, loving people, teaching people, feeding people, caring for people.

In the midst of a tragedy like this be Jesus to someone.  Love people.  Care for people.  Be a light for people.  When we take our focus off scary circumstances and put them on people, we stop worrying.  Serving others is the best response to something as awful as what happened in those early morning hours.

Find someone today who you can serve.  Be Jesus to someone today.

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