I Hate Racism

That title probably got your attention.  Take a good look at my beautiful girls.  I love my girls.  I would do anything for my girls.  They are MY girls. Today when I picked them up from school, they got in the car and told me about a boy who had said racist comments to them. …

An Honest View on Mother’s Day

I wrote this last year and thought I’d share it again. Mother’s Day is in a few days.  For some this brings with it excitement.  For me, not so much excitement.  For me, it’s pain.  It’s one of those days I wish didn’t exist. Wow!  That’s honest, isn’t it? I love my mom.  My attitude…

5 Verses Every Parent Should Know

Parenting can be one of the hardest and most rewarding thing we ever do.  Raising two teenage girls is not for the faint hearted, that’s for sure.  I find I go back to 5 verses to get me through the rough patches.  I hope they minister to you as well. Deuteronomy 6:4-9  “Hear, O Israel: …

My Adoption Story Part 2

Last Monday I posted My Adoption Story Part 1.  If you missed it click here to read it.  You need to read it in order to better appreciate today’s post, My Adoption Story Part 2. I went home knowing that I would one day return to China for another daughter.  The prayers continued.  About a month…

My Adoption Story Part 1

As I shared last week in the post Are You a Dreamer, I believe God gives us dreams.  He then makes a way for us to walk in those dreams.  For me, one of those dreams came when I was only 14.  And when God was nudging me, I didn’t realize He was dreaming a dream…

Plan a Fun Spring Break

Can you believe we just packed up our Christmas decorations, we haven’t even celebrated Valentine’s Day, and I’m writing about spring break?  Sounds wrong, I know, but for us, spring break begins in 4 weeks from today! Last summer, Kurt and I spent a week away from our girls.  My friend, Diana, stayed with the…

2016 Full of Promise

I have been reflecting over the difficult year of 2015.  2015 had some of the biggest challenges I’ve ever faced and some the greatest moments I’ve ever had.  Last year was full of scary times and scary choices.  I am choosing to look at 2016 as Full of Promise. Sara and I were driving to…

Chapter 9 “Holy Complications”

We are at the end of our book study.  It is my prayer for you that this study would have strongly impacted the way you pray for you kids for years to come.  Let’s jump right into the final chapter of Praying Circles around Your Children by Mark Batterson. This chapter is entitled “Holy Complications.” …