The Best Thing You Can Do as a Parent

Parenting is probably the hardest thing I have ever done.  The idea of me writing a post about parenting seems like I’m out of my league.  I have only been a parent for 10 years.  And yet, the Lord has been nudging me to write this.  So, here goes. Here is my advice:  The Best…

Get Ready for Advent

It’s the week before Thanksgiving and I’m already thinking about the Advent season.  I love Christmas.  As I was driving home today from a Christmas cookie exchange I turned on the radio.  I have two radio stations to choose from to hear Christmas music.  There is a slight chill in the air.  Christmas is around…

Thanksgiving Dinner Menu

Thanksgiving celebrations are really about the food. In my family, we eat the same thing every year.  The menu has been passed down from my Great-Granny, to my Granny, to my mom, to Genevieve and me.  I am now passing it along to my girls.  I am a traditionalist.  This absolutely appeals to me.  We…

Thanksgiving Dinner Guest List

17 days until Thanksgiving. Today we are solidifying our dinner guest list.  Who is joining you at your Thanksgiving Day table? Growing up we had a rule of thumb. Invite someone who doesn’t have any place to go.  I was taught:  no one should eat Thanksgiving dinner alone.  Have you ever spent a holiday alone? …

Christmas Cards: Yes or No?

I love receiving Christmas cards. I love seeing pictures of family and friends.  In fact, I still have pictures on the side of my refrigerator of some of the cards I received last year. Now for the irony and honesty, I don’t send out Christmas cards. Is that terrible? We did send them out one…

How to Bless a Teacher

  Last week Kurt and I attended Kate’s first high school parent teacher conference. We arrived at 7PM and left at 9:30PM.  Those poor teachers had taught all day and were there meeting with parents until who knows what time.  And they had to do it again the next day! As a teacher, I know…