Chapter 3 “Five Prayer Circles”

Parenting Book

I hope you have been enjoying Praying Circles around Your Children.  Today we are reading chapter 3.  It’s a short chapter but full of great nuggets of wisdom.

“I have come to terms with the fact that I’ve done more things wrong than I’ve done right as a parent, but I’ve taken courage from this simple truth:  it’s not just my wife and I who are raising our kids; we have a heavenly Father who compensates for our deficiencies, weaknesses, and mistakes.  Where we fail as earthly parents, I believe our heavenly Father can succeed.” (p. 38)  Amen!  No commentary needed on this one.

“If you asked me what I pray for as a parent more than anything else, the answer is the favor of God.  While it’s difficult to describe or define, the favor of God is what God can do for you that you cannot do for yourself.” (p. 38)  I really like these two sentences.  After reading this the first time, I immediately changed how I pray for my kids.  In the past I would ask the Lord for favor, but usually in big circumstances.  Not anymore, now I ask Him for favor in all circumstances.  Why wouldn’t I ask God to do for my kids what I can’t?  Go boldly before the throne and ask.

“You need to speak words of comfort and encouragement to your children.  When you catch them doing something wrong, gently rebuke them.  Lovingly remind them:  that’s not who you are.  When you catch them doing something right, reinforce it.  Fan into the flame the gift of God that is in them.” (p. 40-41)  This is something I have done in the past but not as often as I would like.  I am great at this with my students, unfortunately not so much with my own girls.  Reading this is a great reminder for me to remind them who they are.  They are princesses!

Come back tomorrow and as we read about the 1st circle.

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