Chapter 7 “The 4th Circle: Forming Prayer Circles”

Parenting Book

We are almost finished reading Praying Circles around Your Children.  I have received quite a bit of positive feedback that you are really enjoying the book.  I just knew you would.  How could we not when we are encouraged to pray for our kids?

Today we are reading chapter 7, “The 4th Circle:  Forming Prayer Circles.”  I like this chapter because it’s something tangible we can add to our prayer life.  Let’s jump right in.

Mark Batterson reminds us to lay our hands on our children when we pray.  He points out that in some Christian circles this is not the norm, but he is quick to point out that it is biblical.  “Call me a simpleton, but I believe that if we simply do what the people in the Bible did, we may experience what they experienced.” (p. 79)  Think about what people in the Bible saw when they practiced laying on of hands, just take the book of Acts alone.  The power of the Holy Spirit was unleashed and miracles happened.  Let’s take a cue from Paul and lay our hands on our children as we pray healing or blessing over them.

“Whatever you do, don’t underestimate your children’s potential.  Give them opportunities to exercise their spiritual gifts, and they might just surprise you.” (p. 80)  In keeping with the last chapter, ask the Lord to show you what spiritual gifts He has given your children.  Look for ways they can begin to walk in His gifting.

“Great parenting doesn’t just mean teaching your kids; it also means learning from them…When I’m in a place of spiritual desperation, I often ask my kids to pray.  There is something uniquely powerful about children’s prayers – and it’s their childlike faith.” (p.80)  This quote resonates with me, maybe because I teach children and I hear how they pray.  Childlike faith is beautiful.  Invite your children to pray for you, you will be touched.

“You can pray for them their entire lives, but if you never let them pray, they’re just along for the ride.  They won’t know how to get anywhere in prayer…Don’t just pray for them; pray with them.” (p. 82)  Seek the Holy Spirit’s promptings to teach them how to pray, then allow them to pray.

“I’m not sure I can teach my children anything more important or more powerful than kneeling before God in prayer.”  Taking the posture of kneeling before God can take your prayer life in a whole new direction.  Something happens when we kneel or even lie on the floor before our God, something absolutely beautiful.  Allow your children to see you humble yourself before the Lord.

Wow!  What a great practical chapter!  I am sad our study is almost over.  I hope you are truly growing in your faith as you look to improve your parenting.  Ultimately your walk with the Lord will grow and change.  That’s pretty awesome.

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