Chapter 9 “Holy Complications”

Parenting Book

We are at the end of our book study.  It is my prayer for you that this study would have strongly impacted the way you pray for you kids for years to come.  Let’s jump right into the final chapter of Praying Circles around Your Children by Mark Batterson.

This chapter is entitled “Holy Complications.”  At first you may think why?  But once you start reading you see what Batterson is talking about.  Our children, although they complicate our lives, are a holy complication, a God-purposed complication.

“When we get discouraged as parents, we have to remember the power of a single prayer.  One prayer can change anything, change everything.” (p. 100-101)  We may never know the fruit of one little prayer we may pray for our kids.  Be faithful in the small prayers as well as the big ones.  I find as my girls get older I pray more for their spouse, but I also pray for their future in-laws.  Sometimes I wonder if those prayers for their future in-laws are more important than the prayers for their future spouses.  And I secretly am hoping they are praying for me too.

Here we are at the last quote of the book.  “You never completely know who you are praying for and who is praying for you.  You never know how or when God will answer your prayers.  But you can be sure of this:  Your prayers will shape the destiny of your family for generations to come.” (p. 103)  Prayer is powerful.  I love this last sentence because “your prayers will shape [and are shaping] the destiny of you family for generations to come.”  Don’t be discouraged.  Be encouraged!  As you are walking your baby who won’t stop crying or waiting up for your teen to bring the family car home before curfew, keep praying!

Keep praying!

Take to heart what Batterson is teaching us and apply them in your daily life.  When life gets tough, get on your knees and pray.  When things are going great, get on your knees and pray.

Simply put, pray!

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