Christmas Confessions of an Empty Nester

If you have had disappointment this year, you just may relate to this post.

In some ways, this year has been good to me. I found a new job and because of the pandemic I work from home. I’m a homebody, so this appeals to me. For years, 17 to be exact, I have commuted from this house a minimum of 35 minutes one way. One job had me commuting nearly 90 minutes if traffic was harrier than usual. So, working from home and only filling up my gas tank once a month is quite nice.

Did I mention new job? I’m finally putting my psychology degree to work. It only took 20+ years, but hey I’m finally here. I love working with the foster families and foster kids on my caseload. I work with a couple of believers and we are starting each work week with with prayer. We are on mission and believe God has placed us in these families lives for a reason.

On February 25, my book Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom was released. If you haven’t ordered a copy, do so, it’s a life changing book. Click here. It makes a great Christmas present.

I’ve made a few home improvements. My patio is nicer than it’s ever been. I planted an herb garden in one pot and flowers in another. My very talented dad built a table that is gorgeous and looks so good with the bricks on my patio. I look out my back windows and smile. The guest room is coming along and will be complete in a few days as my niece will help me assemble the bed.

Also, this year I became Lovey (that’s my term for grandma) to a beautiful baby girl named Tate. I LOVE being her Lovey. We FaceTime every Tuesday and let me tell you, she knows who I am. Her face lights up when I come on the screen and she talks back to me. We have full conversations. Did I mention she’s 3 months old and fully conversing in baby babble with me?

My youngest graduated high school and no longer lives with me, thus the guest room getting set up. I’m so proud of her. This girl came here from China at age 11, learned English, and graduated high school. Wow!

This brings me to the confession part. You see, I’ve been dreading Christmas. This may shock some of you because I. LOVE. CHRISTMAS. For the last month, whenever I think of Christmas morning I become a puddle of tears.

We are celebrating Christmas as a family at the beginning of December when little Tate comes for a visit. This Christmas, I will wake up to an empty house for the first time since I became a mom. And before that, I had Baci, World’s Greatest Dog. It’s been a long time since I’ve been alone on Christmas morning. No cinnamon rolls this year. No pajama pictures this year. No sounds of girls giggling as they open presents this year.

This morning I listened to the That Sounds Fun Podcast where Anne F. Downs interviewed the women behind She Reads Truth about their Advent book. And as if I were hearing this for the first time I was set free.

Christmas is about Jesus.

Hello! Newsflash! Christmas, the real meaning of Christmas is about Jesus. Advent is the season for us to prepare our hearts to receive the Savior.

As I listened, Holy Spirit started stirring in me. What if this Christmas could be my best Christmas yet? What if on Christmas morning, as I sit by the lit Christmas tree and drink coffee, Jesus joins me on the pages of my Bible? What if as I sing Christmas worship songs, He meets me in my living room? And suddenly, I was full of hope.

Jesus came to give us hope. He brings with Him peace and love and joy and hope. Oh, friend, can you see it? Could this be your best Christmas yet? Let’s agree to remember that although this year has been so very different than anything we’ve ever lived through, we won’t numb ourselves to the hope He offers.

If you have subscribed to my email list, you will receive the Advent devotional that I gifted my subscribers last year. It was a hit. So again, this year, I will send it out on November 30 and we will all start reading together December 1. If you haven’t subscribed, do so now. I won’t fill your email inbox with lots of emails, the most will be one per week.

I’m excited to see what I learn about His character this advent season. I’m praying for you too. I’m praying that you will see a new facet of who He is and how deeply He loves you!

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