December 24

Dec. 24

John 3:16 NIV

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

This has to be the most famous verse in the Bible.  This is the bow on the package of Christmas.  Out of love, a sacrifice was made.

Today is my spiritual birthday.  On this day, in my parent’s bedroom, in 1978, I prayed with my mom and invited Jesus Christ into my life to be my Lord and Savior.

I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all I have.  When I stop and think that the Creator of the universe wants to spend time with me, I am brought to tears.  There are many nights when He wakes me up to tell me He loves me.  Why?  He loves me.  What did I ever do to deserve this privilege?  Nothing.  I have done nothing.  But my Lord did it all.

He came as a baby leaving behind His throne.  He put on human flesh, what does that feel like to an infinite God?  He walked among the people, people like you and me.  He brought healing to the sick.  He offered hope to the desperate.  He brought freedom to the oppressed.  And what did the world offer back, a cross?  He gave His life; we didn’t take it, to die for you and me.  He took on the sins of the world.  He saw His Father turn away because His Father could not look on sin.  He died.  On that cross He carried my sin.  My selfish ways, my hurtful remarks, my ugly sin, He bore them for me.  And three days later He rose up from the dead conquering my sin and yours.  He smashed them beneath Him.  He now stands with the Father and He intercedes for me and for you, if you know Him.

Do you know Him?  Have you surrendered your heart to Him?  Do you believe He is the Son of God?  Do you believe He died for you?  He did!  My friend, He died for you.  Why?  Simply because He loves you.  He wants a relationship with you plain and simple.  He is reaching out His hand to you, take it and join Him on an adventure of a lifetime.  Simply call out to Him, pray.

Pray to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Tell Him you know who He is.  Tell Him you know you are a sinner.  Tell Him you want to live with Him active in your life.  Talk to Him.  He will listen.  He will respond.  Today could be your spiritual birthday as well.


2 thoughts on “December 24

  1. Diane Hardesty

    I’d love a copy of your new advent list! Thank you so much!

    • Louise Nichols

      Just sign up on for my newsletters and I’ll drop it in your email inbox on November 30.

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