December 3

Dec. 3

John 1:6-9 NIV

“There was a man sent from God whose name was John.  He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.  He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.  The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.”

That last sentence says it all, doesn’t it?  Jesus is “the true light that gives light to everyone.”  He is the light in the midst of a dark world.

Have you ever been camping?  When I was a kid growing up, we would go camping every summer.  We started with a three-man tent, moved up to a six-man tent, and finally a VW bus with a top that popped.  We affectionately called it Poppy Toppy.  I loved Poppy Toppy.  My sister and I would climb to the top and unzip the sides to reveal screens all around.  It was magnificent.  No one else we knew had one, we felt so cool.  My dad had built a cabinet to store all our camping gear.  We even had a port a potty we brought along with us.  When we rode in it, I felt like we were riding in an RV.

Each night, while camping, we would get a fire going.  That fire could be seen from all around.  It served as a homing beacon from the trips into the woods.  It provided warmth as the evening turned to night.  It was the source of pleasure as it toasted our marshmallows.

Much the same as that campfire, Jesus is the light of the world.  He serves as a homing beacon to all who call to Him.  He provides a safe place to go when we are in dark, cold times.  He is the source of all good things.

Remember He is the light if you are lost or hurting.  Jesus will shine brightest in your darkest times.  You may be in a dark place, call out to Jesus.

In Matthew 5:14, “the true light” calls us “the light of the world.”  He goes on to challenge us in verse 16, “…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Jesus calls us the light of the world and commands us to, as that old song puts it, “let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.”  Why does He want us to “let it shine?”  So “that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.”  We are to be the light not to draw attention to ourselves, but to draw attention and praise to God the Father.

Again today, the challenge is to be like John the Baptist.  He was a “witness to the light.”  Be the light today as you encounter people who may need to know the True Light.

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