
worship wednesday

Romans 12:15 (ESV)

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

My heart is heavy as I write this.  Yesterday I heard awful news.  One of my friends lost her daughter unexpectedly.  This young woman, in her twenties, woke to a new day yesterday and before the morning was over, she was standing in the presences of our Lord.

My heart breaks for my friend.  As I was recounting the story to Kurt, he reminded me of Romans 12:15.  What can I do for her?  Weep with her.

As I woke this morning still feeling the dark cloud, the Lord brought to mind an incident from years ago with one word, enough.

You see, several years ago, another dear friend was in the process of adopting a newborn baby.  She and her husband traveled out of state to adopt their baby girl.  They took the baby from the hospital and settled into their hotel room.  It was a happy time of holding and snuggling, kissing and taking pictures, sending texts and rejoicing.

Soon there was a knock at the door.  Before they understood what was happening, the baby was gone.  The birthmother had changed her mind.  They sat alone in the hotel room and grieved together.

I remember receiving the news.  I wept with them.  As an adoptive mom I couldn’t imagine what they were going through.

The following day it was my turn to lead the devotions for the teachers at my Christian school.  I had no idea what to share.  But God knew.  He woke me up in the middle of the night, around 3 a.m. to tell me.

I heard one word, “Enough.”

Although I couldn’t say the right words, I couldn’t go to the hotel room to comfort my friend, Jesus could.

Jesus is enough.

Jesus is enough.

Jesus is enough.

We are not called to be Jesus to people, no, we are called to weep with them.  As the NIV puts it, to mourn with them.  We are called to walk with them and to look to the one who is enough.

Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  Matthew 11:38-39 (NIV)

He will give rest for our souls.  That is my prayer for my friend this morning.  As she wakes to a very different future than the one she had planned, that she will find rest for her soul.

If you think of her today, please pray for this sweet woman as she grieves.

2 thoughts on “Enough

  1. Carrie

    Louise, you are such a blessing to so many. Thank you for sharing.

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you, Carrie!

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