Every Time

So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20 NIV

I love dogs.  I grew up with dogs and once I bought my house seventeen years ago, I couldn’t wait to get a dog.  I believe God gave me Baci, world’s greatest dog, for my birthday shortly after I moved into this house.  She was a chocolate lab mix.  I could write a book about her and how much I loved that girl.  In fact, I did write another post about her, if you would like to read it click here.

Today’s verse reminds me of when she was a puppy.  She had quite the adventurous side and running out of the house was par for the course.  She would run to her heart’s content.  I would bolt out the door after her, screaming her name.

She would never go too far, just a few houses in either direction. She would stop, turn and look at me.  It felt as if she was saying, “Come and get me.”

I would slowly walk toward her, hoping she wouldn’t take off again. She would stay right where she had stopped.  I would get next to her and quickly grab her collar.  Here, her stubborn streak would kick in.  She would not budge.  If I wanted her to come home, there was only one thing to do…bend over, wrap my arms around her 60 pound body, and pick her up. I would have to carry her home.  Once we would get into the house she would expect a dog treat because she was back at home.

On one of these adventures, I was talking to her about how I must really love her to carry her 60 pounds all the way home. To be honest, it sort of tickled me.  It then hit me that God chases us more times than we chase Him.

How many times had I been content living with a sin in my life than a life of holiness? How many times had He come after me?

I smiled up toward Heaven as we entered the house. Baci let out her bark/howl for a treat.  Had I done the same thing with my false repentance?

I reached into the treat bowl and threw her a treat. Why?  Because I love that dog, plain and simple.  God’s love is unconditional every time.  Every time I walk in the direction of sin, every time He comes chasing after me, every time He picks me up and every time He takes me back home.  Every time.

I love the old Benny Hester song, “When God Ran.” There is one line I love, it goes something like this, “The only time I ever saw Him run, was when He ran to me, put me in His arms, held my head to His chest, said, ‘My son’s come home again.’”

He is the God who runs toward us!

One thought on “Every Time

  1. April

    I love this picture. I can see carrying a 60-lb dog home…just because you love him. How much more God’s unconditional love should tickle and awe us. I talked to my students about God’s unconditional love last week. I’m going to share your story with them as it’s such a fun picture of love.

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