Feast on God’s Word

worship wednesday

“Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”  Revelation 3:20 NIV

This school year I have a new morning routine that I’m really excited about.  I get up everyday no later than 5 am.  Yes, I know that’s early, but the amazing thing is, I’m loving it.  I give myself thirty minutes to read my Bible and pray.  Followed by another 30 minutes to walk.  Then I have about 50 minutes to get ready for work, eat breakfast, and pack my lunch.  This is the first time ever that I am only making my lunch.  I have given up packing my family’s lunches and also making their breakfast.

I bring up my morning schedule to talk about the best part of the morning and that’s from 5 to 5:30.  It’s the time I spend with my Lord.  I am excited to get out of bed and open my Bible to see what He has to say to me.

I was recently talking to someone who asked me if I read my Bible every day.  She went on to say that she is jealous of people like me.  I frowned.  “Why are you jealous of me?”

She explained she is jealous of people who have faith.  She told me, “I’m hungry for what you have.”

Hungry?  Are you hungry for the Lord?  Are you hungry to spend time with him?

Ironically, our verse for today is not written for people like her.  It is written to the believer.  Jesus is speaking to the church, His bride.  That’s us!  He’s talking to us.

Why is He knocking at our door?  Doesn’t He already have a place at our table?  Clearly the answer is no or he wouldn’t have had to say He is knocking.

So, how do we hear His voice so that He can come in and eat with us?  We get in His Word.  When we are in His Word we are communing with Him.

For our bodies to survive we need food, water, and air.  Our soul needs God’s Word.  And not just when we feel like it or not just on Sunday, but everyday.  Every single day!

If you have been reading Living Bellissima for any length of time, you know I say to find a system that works for you.  I’m usually making suggestions about how to organize some part of you life or home.  Not here.  Here I am telling you if you want a vibrant walk with the Lord, you need to get in God’s Word daily.

It is the most important thing you will do today, tomorrow, and the day after that.

He is knocking.

Open the door, let Him in, and eat at the table of His Word.

Have a feast on God’s Word!

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