Freedom in the Fire

“He said, ‘Look I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.'”  Daniel 3:25

Back in February I wrote about these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in a post called Where Does the Story End.  Today I want to look at a picture of freedom.  I first started Living Bellissima to invite you to join me on my journey toward freedom, click here to read about that.

The Old Testament continually points us to Jesus through Christ-like people.  But in this portion of Daniel, I believe Jesus showed up.  I believe the fourth man in the fiery furnace is Jesus.

In case you are not familiar with Daniel 3, allow me to give a quick recap.  King Nebuchadnezzar had built a huge statue of himself.  Whenever the people heard the music being played they were to bow down and worship the statue.

Living in the land at the time were these three Jewish captives.  They refused to bow down and worship the statue.  Because of their disobedience to the king, they were bound and thrown into a fiery furnace.

And now that’s where our verse enters the scene.  The king looks into the furnace and rather than seeing the three men he had thrown into the furnace, he sees four men.  And what are they doing?  Walking around unbound with another man.

Friends, when Jesus shows up in the midst of our fiery situations, He does not leave us there to burn.  No, He unbinds us and sets us free.  Jesus showed up in that fiery furnace, unbound the men, and walked with them.

That is what He does, He shows up, He brings freedom, and He walks with us.  What a beautiful reminder of what freedom in Christ looks like!  Be blessed today as you mediate on freedom through Jesus Christ.

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