God Is Good

“He is good; his love endures forever.”  2 Chronicles 5:13 NIV

I woke Monday morning to the news of the shooting in Las Vegas.  My heart broke for the families of those affected and for the family of the shooter.  After returning home from work, I saw on the news the death count had risen.  The United States  is in mourning.

As I prepared to write today’s Worship Wednesday, I wanted to write about something else, yet I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit.  I flopped my Bible open and it landed on 2 Chronicles.  Right in the middle of the page, underlined, I saw today’s verse, and I knew it’s for us today.

The scene is the dedication of Solomon’s temple.  The whole assembly of people and priests and royalty are all praising the Lord with musical instruments and songs of praise.  The entire assembly sang, “He is good; his love endures forever.”  After those words were uttered, “the temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud and the priests could not preform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.”

As we mourn with the families who have lost loved ones, let us invite the glory of the Lord in to fill us.  He is good.  Even when bad happens, He is good.  His love endures forever.  What hope that is for us!  His love never ends.

Today, I would encourage you to love those around you as a reflection of God’s goodness.  Pray for the hurting and the grieving, for those healing from the injuries that so many sustained.  Let us storm the gates of Heaven with praise and invite the glory of the Lord to fill us.

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