Goldfish and Flowers

worship wednesday

“This is how God showed his love among us; He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”  1John 4:9

Recently Sara’s friend asked us to care for her goldfish while she and her family went to Disneyland.  I immediatly thought this had Dead Fish written all over it.  I tried to explain to Sara how goldfish don’t live very long.  Reluctantly we agreed.

The day arrived for us to take the goldfish home.  Sara’s friend left the goldfish in my classroom on my desk.  All day I kept checking on the fish.  It was swimming around and seemed quite content to have joined the fourth grade.

As I was giving the spelling test I casually glanced into the bowl to see the goldfish lying on its side.  I couldn’t believe it, well actually, I was not that surprised.

I broke the news to Sara after school.  She was devistated for her friend.  I explained again how goldfish don’t have a long life expectancy.

I struggled to come up with some  profound biblical analogy for her.  I try as often as possible to tie the Lord into our regular, mundane life events.  Kurt suggested Hebrews 9:27, “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”  I didn’t agree.

Friday, Sara and I were driving home from school talking about Valentine’s Day.  She asked me if Kurt was going to get me flowers.

“No, I told Daddy not to get me flowers because I want him to save the money he would spend on flowers and take me to dinner.  You know, flowers die but memories of spending time with Daddy will last longer.”

“Like fish.”

“Fish?” I asked.

“Flowers and fish don’t live very long.”

I laughed so hard I cried.

God’s love is incedible.  It never ends.  It will not quit.  It will not die like a flower or goldfish.  It does not have a short life expectancy.  It will not expire. It costs us nothing.  We cannot earn it.  We cannot buy it.  It is simple.  It is a gift.

As we say goodbye to Valentine’s Day and look toward Easter we cannot help but stop and pause on love.  Today marks the first day of Lent.  Traditionally Christians give something up during this time to reflect on what the Father and Son gave up for us.

I challenge you and me to stop and reflect on His love for us!



One thought on “Goldfish and Flowers

  1. Genevieve

    This is an awesome reminder!

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