Hope for His People

Hope for His People

This morning I am up before the rest of my family.  I love the quiet.  I sit at my kitchen table with a cup of coffee and two Italian breakfast cookies.  I ask the Lord to speak to me through His Word.  I open my Bible to Malachi 3:16 and read through the end of the book, which is only half a page in my Bible.

For some reason, God takes me to this spot every few months.  It is an interesting passage.  I love how we are called a treasured possession of the Lord in Malachi 3:17.

But this morning I asked God why He keeps bringing me back here.  Read it again.  I feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit.

I read it quite a few times and feel that what I found I should share with you.

Have you felt discouraged lately as you look at current events?  I have.  But more than what is going on in the world, I am discouraged about what I see going on in the church.  I read an article last night about a priest who says the Bible is not the Word of God.  The world will hate us, Jesus said so Himself, but as I read that article last night I felt alone.  Quite possibly you have felt the same way. Well, I am here to tell you, Don’t be discouraged, there is hope!

Be encouraged today by Malachi 3:16, “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard.”

What?  They talked with each other.  It doesn’t say they prayed or fasted, but simply talked.  So friend, I am talking to you.  God is still in control.  God has a specific plan for each of us.  He knows what is happening in the world and has a better pulse on it than we do.

Malachi goes on to write, “A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.”

A scroll is being written and if we fear the Lord and honor His name, we are being written about!  Remember who you are in Christ.  Don’t be discouraged, but rather, continue in fellowship with other believers.  Talk about how good our God is!  Talk about how He saved you from a life of sin and death and brought you into a life of peace and joy!  Talk about the many blessings in your life because of our good God!  Talk about how He is your comfort!  Talk about the times when you felt alone and it was the Holy Spirit who gave you peace!  Talk about the miracles you have seen in your life because of His love for you!

“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace.  All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,’ says the Lord Almighty.  ‘Not a root or a branch will be left to them.  But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.  And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.”  Malachi 4:1-3

There is hope!  He is coming back!  Things may look dark but know they won’t stay that way forever!  Jesus will return for His bride, that’s you and me.

Today remember to talk with your fellow believers and look to the day when He returns.  We have hope in Jesus Christ!  Praise the Lord!  He is our hope!

2 thoughts on “Hope for His People

  1. Genevieve

    Great reminder!!

  2. Kelly Parker

    Thank you for your passion and sharing the wonderful news! Hallelujah our God is great all powerful and loves us! What a wonderful reminder. Thank you for sharing this!

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