How to Bless a Teacher


Last week Kurt and I attended Kate’s first high school parent teacher conference. We arrived at 7PM and left at 9:30PM.  Those poor teachers had taught all day and were there meeting with parents until who knows what time.  And they had to do it again the next day!

As a teacher, I know how long a conference day can be. You leave exhausted.  You see parent after parent sometimes without a chance to run to the bathroom.  Over the years I have had many parents bless me with small tokens of love.

I decided to prepare a Parent Teacher Survival Bag for each of her teachers.

I stopped at the store on my way home to pick up a few things.  I think I am the only teacher who does not live on caffeine.  In the basket went 2 – 4 packs of Starbucks Frappuccino bottles.  What teacher doesn’t want some chocolate?  I grabbed a bag of Snickers minis.  I found an 8 pack of breath mints, perfect, I was making 5 bags.  As I rounded the corner to the snack aisle, I saw Rice Krispies Treats.  I threw a box of 8 into the basket.  I selected a package of thank you notes and was on my way home.

At home, I looked through my gift bag collection and found 5 bags. I quickly wrote “Parent Teacher Survival Bag” on each bag with a thick black marker.

I wrote a short thank you to each teacher letting them know they are appreciated.

From our pantry, I took out 5 water bottles. Teachers do a lot of talking during conferences.

Here is the picture of how the bags turned out:

How to Bless a Teacher

The teachers loved them. One even commented on how Snickers is her favorite candy bar.  These teachers pour into Kate’s life every day.  The least I can do, is throw together a simple thank you gift to help make their conferences that much better.

Do you want to bless a teacher? Follow my simple steps.

Simple Steps:

Assemble your blessing items. If you don’t know your child’s teacher well enough to know what they would like, ask your child.  They know.  If you come up blank, copy me.  Or bake some cookies, place them in a bag, and tie them with a pretty ribbon.  It really is the thought that counts.

Write a thank you note. Let your child’s teacher know they are appreciated by you.

Finally, deliver your blessing bag. Watch them smile and know you were a blessing to someone!

How do you bless your child’s teacher? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “How to Bless a Teacher

  1. Paula

    Great idea!

  2. Joy

    What a wonderful idea!

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