How to Walk in Peace

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.”  Romans 8:11

Last Friday, I had my first root canal.  I was absolutely terrified to have a root canal.  I have heard so many horror stories.  When I found out I needed one, I actually started to cry in the endodontist’s office.

I woke up with a headache on Friday morning and my first thought as I opened my eyes was concerning the root canal.  I am pretty sure the headache came from the stress I was putting myself through.

On Friday’s we leave the house at 6:30 in the morning to get to carpool.  I told my girls to pray for me and my root canal.  That’s when the tears burst through and I asked my daughter for a tissue.

I continued walking in fear and declaring how afraid I was.  I use the word declare here intentionally because I love to declare biblical truths over myself, or my girls, or my students.  Yet, on this day, I was making declarations opposite of the Word of God and in line with the enemy’s plan to kill, steal, and destroy.

As the day passed, the headache continued as did the fear.  Louder and louder it pounded in my head.  After school, I set off for my car when the Holy Spirit reminded me of God’s truth.  I heard, “The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you!”

I actually stopped walking and looked up toward Heaven.  I knew God was reaching out to me.  He was lovingly reminding me of who He is.  He was gently correcting my wrong thinking.

I said to myself, “Louise, you have a choice to make, do you believe the Holy Spirit lives in you or not?”  And instantly, I felt peace.  Never before have I had such an instant change in my being.  I literally went from being afraid to having perfect peace in the Holy Spirit.

You see, friends, what changed my mind was what I believed.  I truly believed what the Spirit was reminding me of, that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and His power lives in me.  If the power of the Holy Spirit can raise Jesus from the dead, it can easily eliminate my fear and allow me to walk in perfect peace.

Today, ask yourself what you believe.  Do you believe God’s Word and His promises or do you believe in fear?  Choose to believe in Him and walk in peace!

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