This is Day 4 from Stop the Lies. You have been set free!
Today we are going to take a look at our position in Christ
When we have an accurate understanding of who we really are in Christ then the enemy cant trip us up. When we fully believe what the Word says about us then the enemy cant get us thinking we are somebody else. Regardless of what we hear or what we believe, our position doesnt change.
Our circumstances may change. Life may be hard at times. But our position in Christ stays the same. Our position in Christ is constant. Just like His love for us and His faithfulness to us.
Once we really wrap our minds around who we are and we can truly understand our identity, then it doesnt matter how hard the wind blows or what has knocked us down. As I type those last few words, Im reminded that being knocked down is an illusion. He cant knock us down because we stand with Christ! We might think we are down, we might go along with it, we might even agree with him, but our true position is that we are grounded in Christ and nothing will knock us down. Nothing. We are on a firm foundation. We are on a firm foundation because Jesus took it all for us on the cross. Our response is to simply rest in Him. Rest in the fact that He will win when its all said and done. On the last day, the enemy will finally be locked away forever.
I discovered Psalm 18 when I was 18 and I memorized it when I was 22. I like to call it my life chapter. Some people have a life verse, not me, I have a whole chapter. Id like to highlight a few verses from the Passion Translation starting in verse 31 and ending with verse 40.
Could there be any other god like you? You are the only God to be worshiped, for there is not a more secure foundation to build my life upon than you. You have wrapped me in power, and now youve shared with me your perfection. Through you I ascend to the highest peaks of your glory to stand in the heavenly places, strong and secure in you. Youve trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship; now Ill descend into battle with power to chase and conquer my foes. You empower me for victory with your wrap around presence. Your power within makes me strong to subdue and by stooping down in gentleness you strengthened me and made me great! Youve set me free from captivity and now Im standing complete, ready to fight some more! I caught up with my enemies and conquered them, and didnt turn back until the war was won! I pinned them to the ground and broke them to pieces. I finished them once and for all; theyre as good as dead. Youve placed your armor upon me and defeated my enemies, making them bow low at my feet. Youve made them all turn tail and run, for through you Ive destroyed them all! Forever silenced, theyll never taunt me again.
Can you see why I love this chapter? When I read this I see that in worship I have victory. I read that I am wrapped in His power. I cant help but notice that because of His power I am empowered to take on the enemy and his lies. Im reminded that I am set free and standing ready to keep fighting! And I love the part that says the enemy and his lies turn tail and run. They have no power over me because and I quote, Forever silenced, theyll never taunt me again. Wow! Grab a hold of that! Forever silenced, theyll never taunt me again. Did you read that?
This book is designed to help you learn the tools to forever silence those lies so they will never taunt you again! Friends, hang on to the promises in the Scripture. Declare them over your life. Declare them every day and watch the enemy turn tail and run.
*Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom, my latest book, is available on Amazon. Click here to purchase your copy and a copy for a friend.