I Hate Racism


That title probably got your attention.  Take a good look at my beautiful girls.  I love my girls.  I would do anything for my girls.  They are MY girls.

Today when I picked them up from school, they got in the car and told me about a boy who had said racist comments to them.  He had made fun of their eyes.  He made a comment about how Asians have a small bra cup size.  And more.

My heart began to race.  I could feel each beat in my chest.  I turned around to look at the two of them sitting in the backseat while we waited for our carpool friend to join us.  I looked into their beautiful eyes and a righteous anger rose up in me.

I asked his name and if he was one of the boys I could see inside the building.  They answered my questions.

“Girls, I’m going to be right back.”

With all the love of a mama, I stepped out of the car, shut the car door, and whispered a prayer.  About five paces and I pulled open the glass door.  I walked with confidence and purpose.  My girl’s faces in the forefront of my mind.  Their faces.  Those faces I have loved since the first time I saw them.  Those faces may not look like me, but they are my girls!

I approached two boys and asked which one was the name my girls gave me.

“That’s me.”

“I’m Kate and Sara Nichols’ mom, and I would appreciate it if in the future you would not make racist slurs to my daughters again.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m glad to hear that.  I would like for you to apologize to my girls the next time you see them.”

“Ok, I will.”

“You comments did not honor God and they did not honor me as their mom.  I don’t think your parents raised you to speak racial slurs to people.”

He went on to tell me that his parents had not taught him that.  And in that moment, I realized they probably hadn’t.

So how do we stop racism?  We don’t deny it exists.  We don’t cover it up.  We don’t slink away from it.  We stop it.  We confront it.  We educate people.

Tomorrow I plan on going back after school to try to connect with this young man.  If we don’t teach people then who will?

I tell my girls they are fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving creator.  He created all people and He calls them His children.  I tell them they are princesses.  I tell them they are daughters of the King of Kings.  And I tell them I am their mom and I love them.  I tell them I would do anything for them.

After dropping off our carpool friend and getting gas, my sweet girls treated me to Chick-fill-a.  Those were the best nuggets I’ve ever eaten.

I hate racism because it tears people down rather than builds people up.  Once torn down it takes a whole lot to build them back up.

Parents, tell you children racism is wrong.  Teach them we are all created in God’s image.  Please, take one more look at my beautiful girls and sit your kids down and tell them that God loves my kids as much as He loves yours.  No race is better than another.  We are created equally.


3 thoughts on “I Hate Racism

  1. Jamie

    Well done, Mama. I’m so sorry that happened. Praying for them to only care what God thinks about them and to believe what He says about them.

  2. Sheri Powers

    Amen! What a wonderful reaction you had as a mother, a Christian, and a human being.

  3. Kelly Parker

    Well said! So sorry that your girls had to experience this. They are so blessed to have a mama that will stand up for them and loves them so much. God also used this for good so that you could shine God’s light✝ Thank you for your sharing and will be praying for the girls❤️

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