Join Me for a Life Changing Bible Study

Can you believe June is next month? What a year 2020 has been! I was listening to Bob Goff’s podcast, Dream Big Podcast, last week with Rachel and Dave Hollis. I was struck by something Dave Hollis said; in January he had told himself that 2020 was going to be his best year and he is still saying that, today, in the middle of a pandemic.

I want us to say that, too. 2020 will be our best year! May I point out that none of us has done this before and if you ask me, you’re doing great. Need a shot in the arm, read a recent blog post I wrote by clicking here. At the end of that post I urge you to ask the Lord into what are the beautiful things He is inviting you.

I would like to invite you into this study on RESET this June. I firmly believe with hardship and struggle we can see tremendous growth. Join me for 4 weeks to RESET your life in 4 areas.

June 3: The Practice of Prayer

June 10: The Practice of Rest

June 17: The Practice of Bodying

June 24: The Practice of Play (This date is tentative, we may need to meet on June 25 or July 1. Once I know for sure, we can discuss as a group what works best.)

Each week we will take a look at these subjects and ask ourselves as we transition to a new normal, what in our lives needs a reset.

Bible study will be a little different this year. Here are the plans as of today. I will be creating a private FaceBook group for our study. You can either attend by coming to my home or by watching via FaceBook Live. We will start at 7 pm and be finished by 8:30 pm.

Please let me know if you would like to attend.

I’m praying for you that the Lord would begin tilling the soil of your heart to receive the good things He has for you this June.

10 thoughts on “Join Me for a Life Changing Bible Study

  1. Mary Lou Lloyd

    Yes, Louise, I would love to be a part!!!

    • Louise Nichols

      I’m so excited you can join us! Love you!

  2. Wydale Holmes

    Hi Louise! I would like to join you. Miss you!

    • Louise Nichols

      Yippee! I miss you too! Can’t wait to see you and catch up.

  3. Robin Johnson

    I would love to join via Facebook live! Super excited!

    • Louise Nichols

      I’m so excited!!!

  4. Diana Rhoades

    Count me in, Louise! I am a looking forward to your Reset Bible Study! The Lord continuously uses you to speak truth into the lives of others! ❤️

    • Louise Nichols

      Thank you for your words. It’s a privilege to share what the Lord shows me. I’m so glad you are coming.

  5. Stephanie

    Yes, I would love to do this! Thank you for the invitation

    • Louise Nichols

      Oh Stephanie, I’m glad you are coming!

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