Just Say Yes

worship wednesday

Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV

“Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

I don’t know if my days are evil, but they are busy.  A few years into our marriage Kurt sat me down for a talk.  He told me I was doing too many good things.  I was teaching full-time.  I also was tutoring four days a week after school.  I was leading a women’s Bible study that met in my home once a week.  I was volunteering for America World Adoption Association.  One Saturday a month we hosted a fellowship group of families that had either adopted or were waiting to adopt in our home.  Four or five times a year I held seminars at local churches promoting adoption and America World.  I was organizing and speaking at conferences for middle school girls three to four times a year.  Our family attended a small group from our church every Wednesday night.   And I was a wife, mother, daughter and sister.

Okay, so I was busy, but what could I cut out?  How do I say no to orphans finding their forever family?  Or give up my women’s Bible study?  Or stop tutoring, we needed the money?  I could justify every single thing I did.

He patiently took my hand in his.  Gently he said, “Every time you say, ‘Yes,’ to something that takes you away from Kate and me, you say, ‘No,’ to us.”

Maybe the busy days are evil.  My first priority is to my family.  My most important role as wife and mom was getting treated unwisely.  I was forced to look at these verses in Ephesians.  I was not making the most of the most important opportunity.  Slowly, I began to cut back.  I had to reframe saying, no, into saying, yes.  I was saying YES to my family every time I cut away the busy things in my life.

I said, YES, when I resigned from my work with America World Adoption Association.

I said, YES, when I stopped holding middle school girl conferences.

I said, YES, when I stopped leading the women’s Bible study.

I said, YES, to more nights of family time.

I said, YES, to spending Saturdays doing nothing but relaxing with my family.

I said, YES, to “making the most of every opportunity!”

As we are now in the busiest time of year, take Kurt’s words to heart.  Just say yes.  Yes to your family.

Dear Father, Thank you for this timely reminder to just say yes to you and to my family.  Give me perspective to see the choices I have made through this verse in Ephesians.  Show me areas that I may need to cut back in order to make the most of every opportunity you have given me.  I love you, Lord.  Amen.

One thought on “Just Say Yes

  1. Stephanie Blue

    Thank you! Such a good reminder for us all!

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